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Created by Robert

Low-Code Community

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We help Webflow Designers become WebApp Developers so that you can build SaaS without anyone else getting involved (and messing up your design!).


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

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Wetube SS

Private • 1k • Paid

AI Powered SEO

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52 contributions to Skool Community
Add attachment not working?
I would attach a picture, but it's not working (for me). When I click on the paperclip icon to add an attachment, nothing happens.
New comment Apr 1
How many DM's does an "innocent" person send in 1-week?
Imagine you're a member of some groups (not the owner or admin). Somebody "innocent", not somebody trying to sell people stuff... How many new people would you start a DM conversation with in 1-week?
New comment Feb 15
3 likes • Feb 11
Probably only a couple of people per day, at the most, for me.
Micro-SaaS + Skool Community
I build micro-SaaS applications. These are niche focused, low overhead softwares with 1-3 great features. They can be used to generate leads by offering a tech lead magnet instead of ebooks/webinars/case-studies, and evolved into a business generating 10k - 15k profit/month and beyond. One of the recurring themes that arise in the world of SaaS is the importance of having an audience. Having an audience makes launching easier, and provides critical feedback so that you can evolve your SaaS according to the loudest demands of your audience. This is how Skool was built - Sam launched his product to his audience, and didn’t worry about it being perfect. He let users post about the features they wanted, and added them as he went along, until he reached product/market fit and started monetizing. The interesting thing is, if you're a successful consultant, coach, or online creator, you may have the same key ingredients to undertake SaaS like Sam did. Some of those ingredients are having insight into a niche problem to solve, and knowing how to build an audience. Everything great starts small - so first, you develop a narrowly scoped Micro-SaaS that solves a niche problem you know about in your market. Then, you launch that MVP to your audience - all they have to do is join your Skool group to gain free access. Now you're building a community of fans by providing value in a unique way, while collecting critical feedback on your product. Using this feedback, you keep making your SaaS better, until one day you reach product/market fit, and can start monetizing your product. But here's why this works incredibly well with established consultants/coaches - you already have existing info-products to offer to your niche. Not only is that a huge opportunity to combine consulting with your SaaS product, but you're also gaining leads to your core offerings through the community you build. Sam kept selling his masterminds until he went all in on Skool, because that is what funded the development until he felt like it was time to focus on it completely.
New comment Feb 6
Micro-SaaS + Skool Community
1 like • Jan 21
@Tom Long 🙏
0 likes • Feb 6
@Ced Decoste That is a very interesting idea - I have so many projects going on that I am not sure if I have the bandwidth at this specific moment, but if you join my community it is very possible that someone could take you up on that offer because selling the tool is just as important (or maybe even more important) then building it.
How Coding Bootcamps use Community to get you to pay $20,000
Coding Bootcamps are 3 to 9 month intensive programs which aim to accelerate you through a curriculum that normally takes years in degree programs. The best ones are selective, have proven results, and cost anywhere around $20,000. When you see that number, it is a little eye watering. It’s a lot of money, and you don’t know anything about these bootcamps. Will it work for you? Have others gotten results? Is it worth it? Will you even like it? These bootcamps have to somehow take you from being skeptical, to being a believer who spends $20k. So what do they do? Do they target you with ads until you give in? Do they bombard you with emails? Do they pitch you hard over the phone? The interesting thing is that they do none of these things. What they do is this: after you ask for more info, you are required to join their Slack group before an initial interview. This is where you meet other applicants, from all kinds of backgrounds. They give you all a free beginner Javascript course. They give you free workshops. They have you work with other prospects in pair programming. You are required to do all this to qualify for the technical interview. By taking you through these steps, over a period of roughly 3 months, they make you a believer. You now know how they teach. You have made progress in your skills. You have made friends in the group. You know this is legit. You believe you can do this, and you are hoping you even pass the technical interview. You want to pay them $20k. That’s the power of community. Top coding bootcamps have assembled a system and team that leverages this to warm you up effectively in a short amount of time. They invest in their prospects at scale, build tremendous good-will and trust, and use interviews to qualify and make you work to even be considered to purchase their very high ticket offer. And it works, because they are actually good at what they do. Maybe you can apply some of this techniques to your own community with Skool. There are lots of ways to innovate.
New comment Jan 16
How Coding Bootcamps use Community to get you to pay $20,000
0 likes • Apr '23
0 likes • Jan 16
@Kevin Mullaney 🙏
New to Skool. Who dis?
New comment 2d ago
10 likes • Jan 11
@Alex Hormozi welcome!
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Robert Boulos
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Engineer - Low-Code Enthusiast 🤖

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Joined Mar 10, 2022
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