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181 contributions to Invest & Retire Community
3 likes • 13h
@Rong Zhou thanks for sharing.
3 likes • 11h
@Kim Huynh Essentials yes. But I only roll & lower the strike price if it is net credit & meet my premium requirement (yielding at least 12.5% annual return).
My wife will be giving birth soon
My wife will be giving birth soon. So I will be slower in terms of responding in the community. As we welcome a new member into our family, ​it is good to consider the plan for the next 20 years, especially university tuition. ​I expect the tuition cost will increase by at least 2-10x in the next 20 years (due to inflation and competition). This is why I plan to invest early when the child is between 0-5 to cover the university tuition when the child is 18. ​Based on my calculation, if I can put away $10,000 per year for the first 5 years of the child's life, it will take care of the university education and housing cost in the future using my long-term strategy. For such long-term strategy, you want to ensure it is a set-and-forget strategy. You want to ensure that the long-term average return meets your expectations (For example - I aim for 15-30% per year) While timing helps, it is more important you have the discipline to contribute early on ​and let compound interest work for you.​​​​​​​​​​ Are you thinking ahead for your children's future?​ Cheers, Eric ---- Eric Seto Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Founder of Free webinar - how to get 30%: In May, my goal is to help 20 people without a financial background to master investing. Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. The goal is to achieve 30% return per year. In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth. In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses. This will help accelerate your retirement goals. If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year.
New comment 3d ago
5 likes • 6d
By the way, what other suggestions you can offer. I remember when we were young, we didn’t have $10k to put aside each year. We ended up only put $2k per year into an educational IRA (different than 529) starting when they were borne. Even with $2k per year, we were able to use it to pay for their tuitions now. We might have enough for one child to go for master degree. Bottom line, put away any tax-free vehicle you can.
2 likes • 5d
@Denis Robert they are doing well you said. That is a blessing & you must be really proud.
Starting My Own Digital Library
Over the past decade, accumulating a vast collection of digital material on trading methods and strategies can be quite an endeavor. It involves sifting through extensive information, identifying valuable insights, and integrating them into one's unique approach to the market. Backtesting these strategies is a critical step, as it allows for the evaluation of their effectiveness based on historical data. This process not only refines one's trading method but also saves time and resources that would otherwise be spent on less beneficial services. Indeed, having access to a curated selection of impactful trading knowledge could be a significant advantage for anyone interested in the financial markets. The statement "knowledge is the key" resonates with the timeless idea that education and the acquisition of knowledge can unlock doors to success. While not every individual who pursues knowledge will achieve financial profitability, the broader benefits of being well-informed are immeasurable. Knowledge enhances critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to make informed decisions. It empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to society and to their own personal growth. In a rapidly evolving world, where information is more accessible than ever, the pursuit of knowledge remains a powerful engine for progress and a cornerstone of societal advancement.
New comment 9d ago
2 likes • Mar 28
@Marc Graybush thanks for sharing
1 like • 10d
I sent. Thanks!
# 1 Invest wisely and grow your wealth. While you have a steady income, you should save as much as you can and spend less than you earn. This will make your retirement easier and more comfortable, as you won't have to rely solely on your investment returns. You should also make your savings work harder for you by investing them in assets that generate income or appreciate in value, such as stocks or bonds. Don't let your money sit idle in cash—make it productive and profitable.
New comment 1d ago
2 likes • 11d
@Marc Graybush indeed. Starting as you join the work force.
3 likes • 11d
@Marc Graybush it will be very hard for me. 😜. Love to watch Chinese love drama. Catching up of the years that I missed.
$1,000 per Month via LULU
I collected $1,010 premium this morning 3/11/24 by selling put on LULU with 3/22/24 expiration. Why: 1). @Eric Seto had posted that indicating he Forecast earning will be positive (earning call is around the corner 3/26/24) 2). $425 is below 11/27/23, support level of $427.73. Market is at $459ish. WOW already achieved the goal. Thanks Eric!
New comment 18d ago
0 likes • 18d
@Leon K I do not want to sell a call below my strike. I am concerned that when it jump, it might jump too fast.
0 likes • 18d
@Leon K thanks for the tip. I will look into the link
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Monica Bernard
5,590points to level up
Love to learn and explore the possibilities in financial freedom.

Active 11h ago
Joined Nov 8, 2023
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