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High-Ticket Synthesizer School

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7 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Accountability call - no one responded?
I decided to stay up till 4am to join the accountability call (lvl. 3+). But - no one responded when I went on the call. Any update on whether the calls are actually happening?
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Andrew Kirby
Can I get your feedback?
Hey guys! Can I get your feedback on this thumbnail? Would you click on it if you have any idea on a different thumbnail I could test out, would love to hear it. Thank you! :)
New comment Nov '23
Can I get your feedback?
2 likes • Nov '23
I've seen similar thumbnail before. Ibwiukd not click it it looks a bit salesly. But if the word was slavery instead then yes I would watch it
30x on-camera challenge
Update 10Nov23: 1st goal achieved - Nov starting to focus on quality (editing, script, thumbnail, etc ). Transformation from daily updates to 1-2 per week. Original post: Some time ago I saw a video following a man who took a 30-day challenge to record short videos. The goal was to become natural on camera by recording daily, each day was aimed at some specific goal. I have been thinking about it for some time and decided to give it a go. So from tomorrow, I will record daily videos. Two questions: Is here anyone who would be able to give me ideas on what specific challenges to address during this process? And anyone who would like to join and record their own videos too? We could keep ourselves accountable and give feedback. For anyone who would like to see the progress, I will post the videos on YouTube (probably as unlisted) and put the links below (maybe twice a week, I will decide on specific details today). Update: OK, the idea is crystallising. Videos will be mainly around 5 minutes long. Later in the challenge, I will record a few longer videos (15-20 minutes) to get a feel for longer content. First few videos (I'll plan the rest over the weekend): Playlist - 1. Intro - who I am, what this challenge is about, and what you can expect. 31/Oct/2023 2. My personal growth journey (to the hell and back) 1/Nov/2023 3. Living an authentic life - what it means 2/Nov/2023 4. How to turn your life around 3/Nov/2023 5. What to do when you have suicidal thoughts 4/Nov/2023 6. The first thing to do when you want to change your life. 5/Nov/2023 7. The number one predictor of a successful life (probably not what you think) 7/Nov/2023 (first edited) 8. Upload problems. Short testing video uploaded from mobile. 7/Nov/2023 9. Main SIX things to improve your life 8/Nov2023
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Oct '23
Hi congratulations on your decision to embark on this journey! 😃 Regarding the challenges you mentioned do you mean what challenges to address in regards of the recording and editing process or more like what topics to address while filming? I also would like to participate in this 30 day challenge if that’s okay!
1 like • Oct '23
@Lubos Tomicek hi yes I did. I can share it. How about you?
I'm Stuck, Please Help
I've been kind of posing reels, and I don't really know what to do in regards to picking a niche, my previous reel was about me quitting games and focusing on my editing agency, but that could be for a multiple of people, not really sure what to post from here to be successful
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
When you say reels I assume you mean shorts on YouTube? If so knowing the algorithm is very important. Posting content that is geared towards a specific audience or topic. With every new account YouTube is trying to figure out who the audience is. If you post mixed content that are viewed by people who don’t have nothing in common (they are not members of your niche) YouTube gets confused, and doesn’t know to whom to “push” the videos to. That’s why it’s a bad idea to share your videos with people who are not in your niche. At least that’s true, in the beginning stages of your channel. Now in regards of choosing a niche I’d assume you prefer and enjoy creating content about a topic or audience you are interested in. That’s the best approach to keep doing this long term. I can’t tell you what niche to follow, just try to see if you can combine your interest with income. These days almost any niche can succeed on YouTube. Just: - Make sure there is an audience and your focus is not to narrow. - Explore the monetisation options available if any. - Explore what types of products the members of this niche invest it. Physical products, info products, coaching? - What is the average price range of those products or service’s? - Can you ad value to the market by content and delivering high value product/solutions to their problems? Just a few ideas
What is the most you’ve gained out of this community?😆
What do you like the most? I’ll start first, 😃the support and diversity of the members is amazing! Once you post a question there is valuable feedback given from very knowledgeable people!
New comment Nov '23
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Mark Deniel
31points to level up
Account Manager at Datalumina® • Curating Top Talent • Launching Freelancers to Success • Psychology Buff • Music Creator

Active 7h ago
Joined Jun 2, 2022
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