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Created by Lukas

Path to Mastery

Private • 17 • Free

Choose Consciously - Come play the Infinite Game


High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

Breath Ballers

Private • 129 • $1/m

Dharma Artist Collective

Private • 337 • $100/m

63 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Blue Ring Unlocked!
Woohoo! Got that Level 4 Blue Ring! It's simple, but it feels good :) This comes at a point when I'm feeling particularly disheartened in my progress. I definitely thought that I would be further along in my journey to $10k/month. Doing everything except "The One Thing" has spread me thin (and the reason I got to level 4 here instead of 4x-ing the size of my community) The only way you lose is by quitting. This upcoming week, I am doubling down on my focus. Make content consistently, earn my first dollar, keep on keeping on.
New comment 4d ago
1 like • Feb 27
@Lee Collins Thank you! I appreciate your kind words
0 likes • 4d
@Adrian Thony Nava Thanks Adrian! Consistency is key!
Milestone Achieved! First Sale!
Hit the third milestone on the Synthesizer Roadmap! Earning my first $1! After 20 hours of free consultation calls for somatic breathwork (as market research and to gather testimonials), one of my clients wanted more and committed to a month package of 1-on-1 package! Somatic Breathwork is truly a powerful modality that can transforms stressful tension to focused intention. I feel the connection with my internal fire - I'm excited to execute and repeat, execute and repeat, scale and complete my goal of $10k/month Thank you @Andrew Kirby for the guidance. Thank you @all for sharing the journey.
New comment 14d ago
0 likes • Jun 25
@Isac Marginean Tuvesson If you consistently believe, you will achieve!!
1 like • 14d
@Adrian Thony Nava Thanks Adrian! You're right! It's just about trusting the process and committing from the heart. I'll see you there ;)
Want to spend 1-day with me in person? (THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES)
I've grown multiple businesses to $100,000/month. So imagine what would happen to your online business if we spent a full day together masterminding. Entering THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES. // For a long time I've watched people inside of Synthesizer School spend months, even years, focused on creating content and ignoring monetization. This is a mistake. So I'm pivoting Synthesizer School to focus on monetization. I'm not saying "don't make content". I'm saying "figure out monetization, then create content." This way your content will actually make you money, instead of just waiting for years hoping'you'll go viral, then praying you'll monetize well. // In the last couple weeks I revealed the fastest path for beginners to monetize. If you haven't seen the post already, check it out now before reading on. Previous to this cohort, I'd only told this to one person. And he went from Government Welfare to making $10k/month within 6 months, and $30k/month within 12 months. Here's proof. This works. And it works well. And it works fast. // Summarized, the model is this: Free Skool → high-ticket service/coaching. The fastest path to monetization is to start a free Skool community, then use it to upsell people into high-ticket 1 on 1 coaching or done-for-you service. Again, if you're not fully sold, read this post and watch the full video. // So to make this fun, I'm turning it into a competition. Prize 1: Whoever gets the most new group members gets to hang in-person with me for a full day in-person, to create a full personalized monetization roadmap for your business (worth $50,000). Prize 2: Everyone who gets 20 members gets free tickets to a virtual workshop where we'll go deep on group monetization. This will cover everything needed to make a full-time living online (worth $5,000).
New comment 4d ago
Want to spend 1-day with me in person? (THE SYNTHESIZER GAMES)
1 like • 28d
Skool Games, Synthesizer Games, it's a 2 in one deal!
The New $10,000/month Model
If I could rewind time… To before I made millions online... Before I worked with Hamza, TeachingMensFashion, Leon Hendrix, Rian Doris and countless others... Before I was traveling the world in beautiful airbnbs… To the time where I was stuck studying a useless marketing degree, on the path to a job I hated, desperate to find a way to go full-time online doing what I loved. There’s 1 specific business model that I would implement, that would take me on the direct path to $10,000/month. It’s a proven business model with a brand-new twist thanks to a new feature Skool shipped less than 24 hours ago. And if you hate me for sounding cocky in the first few sentences, hopefully, you'll love me by the end of this post where I'll share exactly how you can implement this biz model step by step, for free. "This is the new fast path to money if you’re a beginner" - Alex Hormozi // What is the business model? Well, beginners trying to go full-time online face four problems: 1. No one knows who you are 2. You don’t know what to sell 3. You aren’t an expert 4. You have no authority/positioning This has always been why it's so slow, painful, and tedious to start earning an income on the internet. // What if there was a solution? What if there was a way for you to: 1. Get attention 2. Figure out what to sell 3. Become an expert 4. Be positioned as an authority If you had those four things, do you think you'd be able to make money? // Good news. There is now a way to get attention, figure out what to sell, become an expert, and be positioned as an authority in a relatively short period of time. Finally! A proven process for people in a 9-5/students/beginner-creators to go full-time online. There's two simple parts to the "New Monetization Model" Ready to hear what it is? // So that the model clicks, let me explain it in a story. A while ago I was helping Rian Doris, an 8-figure entrepreneur, build his YouTube channel. I ended up helping him go from 0 → 100,000 subscribers in 6 months.
New comment 3d ago
The New $10,000/month Model
0 likes • Jun 24
@Andrew Kirby if we aren't able to make all 4 calls live, is there still a possibility to get your Monetization Course for the investment of our time and attention?
0 likes • Jun 24
@Marilou Delahaye Start with people you know, or come into contact with everyday. Mention what you're doing, what you're building, and people will want to learn more. Share more. Make the offer. Make the ask : (would you like to learn more by joining my free community). If the product is good, it'll naturally ripple out
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you who showed up live. That was epic! We maxed out the capacity of the Zoom call, so sorry to everyone who couldn't get in. Will upload replay as soon as I can.
New comment Jun 20
Thank you!
0 likes • Jun 18
You should send a message to Zoom: "I've reached your maximum size on the free plan - subscribe to me to keep bringing my audience to Zoom"
1-10 of 63
Lukas Kulbis
329points to level up
There is something to learn from everyone. Let's connect; let's create; let's celebrate.

Active 9h ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
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