Blue Ring Unlocked!
Woohoo! Got that Level 4 Blue Ring! It's simple, but it feels good :)
This comes at a point when I'm feeling particularly disheartened in my progress. I definitely thought that I would be further along in my journey to $10k/month. Doing everything except "The One Thing" has spread me thin (and the reason I got to level 4 here instead of 4x-ing the size of my community)
The only way you lose is by quitting.
This upcoming week, I am doubling down on my focus. Make content consistently, earn my first dollar, keep on keeping on.
Lukas Kulbis
Blue Ring Unlocked!
High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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