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Healthy Flex Prescription (R4)

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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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16 contributions to Skool Community
Test, Quizzes, & Certification Badges.
Hi Everyone! I'm fairly new here, so please forgive me if this has already been asked, but can we get test, quizzes, and certification badges?
New comment 3h ago
1 like • 7d
I was able to do tests/quizzes on Kajabi in my previous course, it doesn’t look like Skool has that yet, but I was probably going to make some Google Forms to replace them in the meantime. I love the idea of custom badges that can be shown on someone’s profile (like Xbox Live achievements)
🍊 The Skool Success Problem
If you have messaged me or tagged me in the last 2 weeks, IM SORRYYYY.... After our Skool Games victory, it got so much BUSIER, not quieter. It is all just getting LOST in a sea of notifications. And I CANNOT currently adjust for priority. I will catch up this week i expect (hope) but still: If you are deeply ingrained in Skool youre probably having the same problem, So I have 3 requests. 1. Ability to turn off 'like' notifications 2. Group Chats 3. Sticky Scroll 1. I love likes, but i would love to (have the option) to turn of like notification. Post + response comments and @'s are more important for me to respond to. 2. The ONLY thing keeping me using other chats off of skool is to be able to have pinned group chats for my team and for team members + clients. 3. BY FAR the most frustrating thing about skool is that every time i need to send another message, i am taken to the top of the list and must scroll down. Click on the 'unread' messages this alone does not solve this for me. Yall feel me, dawg?
46 members have voted
New comment 9d ago
4 likes • 10d
All of these are great suggestions! My top vote though is group chats and it’s the only real negative feedback my community has given me of Skool
2 Things I Love About Circle that Skool Could Incorporate
Dear Team Skool, I'm part of a Circle group, and though I much prefer Skool, there are 2 things I must confess I do love about Circle. #1) They allow GIF's. In today's day in age, GIF's are a quick & easy way to express yourself... but more importantly, they're FUN! I use them a lot, and so does everyone on my team. Not having GIF's is a little bit of a buzzkill and makes everything seem a bit more serious & dry... (the screenshot below of the cowboy is actually a GIF someone posted in their Circle post) #2) They allow for bigger photos. Skool's photo size in posts is so small unless you click on it, which makes the text the main focus. But what if I want my photo to be the main focus? Today I posted a screenshot and it's all I really wanted to post. But I had to write a lot of text to convince people to click & open the photo. I think Skool could keep showing their small thumbnail in the 'preview' mode of a post, but when someone opens the post, I'd love to see a full size image (as seen in the Circle post pic)
New comment 10d ago
0 likes • 11d
GIFs are in, let's goooooooo!!!
Not able to upload a profile logo or cover photo to my group...
Tried jpegs, png, lower quality/smaller size and basically no image will upload for my group profile pic or group cover photo! Tried on mobile, desktop AND in incognito mode on desktop. It basically just does upload and then glitches. Please fix :(
New comment 10d ago
0 likes • 11d
Yeah, was having an issue uploading a course pic earlier today
I haven't been banned again this week so here goes...
FFS, people, can we collectively, as a community of entrepreneurs, end all of the sensationalist peacocking as it relates to money made? Every tutorial and video I watch is all about nothing other than the spectacle of "so and so made $128MM dollars this month" and it's ALWAYS GROSS REVENUE WHICH IS WORTHLESS (unless you are the credit card processor collecting 2.9% + .30 per transaction and I don't see Stripe in here)! As Brian Tracy stated decades ago: "Don't tell me what you made. Tell me what you kept." All this sensationalist nonsense for starry eyed newbies is pathetic and borders on the criminal. If you're going to peacock and make income claims, do us all a favor and show the actual net net numbers (like you do the MFers at the IRS so you can avoid paying taxes you don't owe). If your income claims wouldn't survive a forensic audit (something I'm guessing most of you have never even heard, conducted, or been on the receiving end of), don't make them. It's disingenuous and only makes all Internet entrepreneurs look like a bunch of foaking con artists and that reputation is already too well deserved by many. If honesty and transparency are an issue for you....that speaks volumes. Be better. Be the example people should look up to. Don't be a shill for a shekel. <rant over....for now...don't worry, Sam I Am will be along to ban me again in 3-2-1...and that's fine because if that's the case, I don't want to be in a community that advocates false advertising, fraud in the inducement, fraud in the factum, and racketeering anyway> And if you think this is funny or idiotic, it's only because you've never had the silver bracelets put on you and haven't been thrown in a cage. I have. Numerous times. Trust me on this: it's not some place you EVER want to go and there ain't no money or fake Lambos and bikinis lifestyle that's worth it, I can assure you. Be best!
New comment 12d ago
0 likes • 13d
so what feature is it that you're suggesting? I feel like you're trying to educate others (which I agree with your point on flexing revenue vs. profit), but this group is for suggesting features/solutions to make the Skool product better. In terms of Skool showcasing high profit members, that's gonna be a harder metric to validate and more of a lagging data point than Skool showcasing revenue and able to certify that it's accurate (bc it is being processed through the platform). What is your suggestion or are you just airing out your thoughts on a problem industry-wide?
1-10 of 16
Kevin Hejnas
11points to level up
Founder of the Healthy Flex Prescription transformation program Instagram: @hejnasty

Active 6h ago
Joined Feb 15, 2024
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