Vincent Polisi
I haven't been banned again this week so here goes...
I haven't been banned again this week so here goes...
FFS, people, can we collectively, as a community of entrepreneurs, end all of the sensationalist peacocking as it relates to money made?
Every tutorial and video I watch is all about nothing other than the spectacle of "so and so made $128MM dollars this month" and it's ALWAYS GROSS REVENUE WHICH IS WORTHLESS (unless you are the credit card processor collecting 2.9% + .30 per transaction and I don't see Stripe in here)!
As Brian Tracy stated decades ago: "Don't tell me what you made. Tell me what you kept."
All this sensationalist nonsense for starry eyed newbies is pathetic and borders on the criminal.
If you're going to peacock and make income claims, do us all a favor and show the actual net net numbers (like you do the MFers at the IRS so you can avoid paying taxes you don't owe).
If your income claims wouldn't survive a forensic audit (something I'm guessing most of you have never even heard, conducted, or been on the receiving end of), don't make them.
It's disingenuous and only makes all Internet entrepreneurs look like a bunch of foaking con artists and that reputation is already too well deserved by many.
If honesty and transparency are an issue for you....that speaks volumes.
Be better. Be the example people should look up to. Don't be a shill for a shekel.
<rant over....for now...don't worry, Sam I Am will be along to ban me again in 3-2-1...and that's fine because if that's the case, I don't want to be in a community that advocates false advertising, fraud in the inducement, fraud in the factum, and racketeering anyway>
And if you think this is funny or idiotic, it's only because you've never had the silver bracelets put on you and haven't been thrown in a cage.
I have.
Numerous times.
Trust me on this: it's not some place you EVER want to go and there ain't no money or fake Lambos and bikinis lifestyle that's worth it, I can assure you.
Be best!
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