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Created by Griffin A.

$10-100K/Mo ๐Ÿ’ธ doing what you โค๏ธ aligned with highest purpose. Higher & higher levels of Ikigai


skool Culture

Private โ€ข 16 โ€ข $99/m

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public โ€ข 11.5k โ€ข Free

The Skool Games

Private โ€ข 17.3k โ€ข Free

Skool Ads Lab

Private โ€ข 446 โ€ข $29/m

Viral YouTube Mastermind

Private โ€ข 140 โ€ข Free

Wetube SS

Private โ€ข 1k โ€ข Paid


Private โ€ข 9.1k โ€ข Paid


Private โ€ข 216 โ€ข $1/m


Private โ€ข 660 โ€ข $197/m

8 contributions to Content Academy
I Feel Scared and Sick to My Stomach 1/4 Of the Time
In case fear or feeling outside your comfort zone holds you back, know that you are not alone. I feel scared, alone, sick, incapable.... at least 1/4 of the time I walk around on this earth with you. Sometimes I want to sulk in that feeling but Ive learned that the faster you can be aware of that feeling and take some action the faster it leaves you. If you don't take action, small fears can become downright terrifying and debilitating. 99% of most fear is imaginary and youโ€™ll see that when you take action. It's ok and normal and just means you're alive. Carry on.
New comment 12d ago
3 likes โ€ข 17d
Thank you!!!!!
๐Ÿ† Skool Games Mental Mindset (how I'm dealing with the feelings)
First, its just the beginning really. So im trying not to get caught up in the outcome of winning the skool games. But it would be cool. I'm just staying focused on trying to build a valueable community for the members. Perspective is key. You know that anxious feeling, that fear of failure? That's life, with the right perspective it can be exciting. You choose. Enjoy the ride! All these feelings pass. Imagine how many other times you felt this way and it passed. I try and to turn these moments into action. Im keeping my todo list small, the plan is simple. To grow your community you need eye balls. Traffic. CONTENT. Even some one on one outreach. And the guts to do it. Ever since I was a young kid a good friend and I would yell out our windows on short drives "live life my friend!" It was silly but the louder we yelled the better it felt. It didnt feel as embarrassing when people looked at you when your friend was joining you. So today I'm your friend. LIVE LIFE MY FRIEND! ๐Ÿ’ช
New comment Jun 7
๐Ÿ† Skool Games Mental Mindset (how I'm dealing with the feelings)
3 likes โ€ข Jun 5
Totally get it. And Yoooo NICE icon, by the way. That's perfect for what you're doing :)
๐Ÿ˜ž It's Not Always Suppose To Feel Good
Yesterday I posted a potential icon for my new community. I thought it was pretty cool. The majority didn't. I have to admit it didn't feel good. And this post isnt really about the logo, I'll be fine ๐Ÿ™‚ its just to show you that you're not alone. And it reminded me of countless other videos and posts that I've made on social that made me feel the exact same way. I wanted to delete the poll to be honest. But I didn't. Because that wouldn't have be fair to the many people that took the time to vote and comment on the post. I learned a lot. I think that's the key. The comments were quite insightful. Thank you btw ๐Ÿ™ You have to understand that more than anything, social media, community, posting, etc... is first and foremost a place to learn, to gain insights. The profits only come after the insights and learnings. You can't get those insights if you don't post it, if you delete everything you post. It's not about winning every time time. Winning comes after losing. So just get those loses over with already so you can win.
New comment May 22
๐Ÿ˜ž It's Not Always Suppose To Feel Good
3 likes โ€ข May 19
Yeahhh now I just wanna see it. I like icon design & geeking out over it a bit.
3 likes โ€ข May 19
@Stephen G. Pope i decided to delete my other comments and mention that historically this could have political implications that likely go against yourideal messaging--- Too much elaboration seemed foolish. But again, very good lesson, I agree about the need to "deal with" market feedback even when it's doesn't feel easy. Great lesson in the importance of ASKING as well!
๐Ÿ“ฑ The Pope's Vertical Vids In Frenchโ€”100% automated
Here's an automated video I generated using a few different tools. - Google Drive - Google Translate - ElevenLabs - JSON2VIDEO Tomorrow I drop the YouTube that shows how to create these step-by-step all at the same time.
New comment Apr 28
๐Ÿ“ฑ The Pope's Vertical Vids In Frenchโ€”100% automated
2 likes โ€ข Apr 28
๐Ÿ“ˆ Alex Hormozi helped me grow my YouTube Channel
Here are some important insights around YouTube videos ๐Ÿ‘‡ Since Alex Hormozi announced he invested in Skool---all my YouTube videos related to Skool instantly started getting more traffic. Pretty dramatic change. Which is cool to see, goes to show how powerful YouTube can be. Out of all the channels I'm most excited about YouTube. Mainly because it's the one place where I've been able to see a direct coloration between what I knew was a good video and it's real world performance. The more time I spend on a video the better it does. I'm also rewarded for creating videos for stuff that is not popular YET. These are my best pieces of advice for growing on YouTube (just passed 4k subs). -- Really make your videos good. Good thumbnail, good 30 seconds of intro to grab the viewer, good content, good closer. -- And with topics, do something no one else is doing. If everyone is doing fluffy videos, do one in-depth. -- And talk about things you think will be trending so your video is already there when it becomes a trend. Drop any questions you have in the comments below.
New comment Feb 8
๐Ÿ“ˆ Alex Hormozi helped me grow my YouTube Channel
2 likes โ€ข Jan 23
Wild! And as always, Thanks for answering all the questions about your process!
1-8 of 8
Griffin A. Hamilton
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Joined Feb 11, 2023
Vancouver, BC
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