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Created by Faro

Faro's Consulting

Private • 104 • $99/m

Faro Zacarías succeeded in the DFY space with a remote post-production studio and now offers DWY and DIY programs for online entrepreneurs.

Skool Academy

Private • 31 • Free

For experts and creators passionate about online business, creativity, and Skool!


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free


Private • 660 • $197/m


Private • 8 • $49/m

Bijan’s Biz Studio 🖥️

Public • 191 • $19/m

Rebels 🤘😎

Private • 62 • $1/m (Free)

Public • 5.6k • Free


Private • 1.3k • Free

857 contributions to Skool Community
❤️🔑 Make People Super Happy
I've been rewatching Sam Ovens' YouTube channel lately. I first saw one of his videos 5 years ago and I still get a lot out of them. Watch them here. His big-picture strategy for growing a community is pure gold. Here's the plan: - Focus on your people ⤸ - Listen to their feedback ⤸ - Give them what they want ⤸ - Make people super happy ⤸ - They tell others about your community ⤸ - You experience the best kind of growth I wanted to share this in case you're new here or need a reminder. *Source (Drop your fav gif if you think this video is a masterpiece. Shhh! 🤫) It's so simple and powerful it sounds obvious, right? But sometimes it's easy to get distracted by something shiny. When we make word of mouth our foundation, our communities grow tall and strong. When we care, people notice. What do you think? Is this your priority right now? Pce, Faro
New comment 2h ago
❤️🔑 Make People Super Happy
1 like • 4h
@Diamond Csadai
0 likes • 2h
@Mizbah Rauf so cool! Welcome!! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions 💪
Skool Books
What books are you listening to or reading right now? This morning I am listening to “Atomic Habits” with the pups
New comment 52m ago
Skool Books
1 like • 5h
@Jon Myers share them!!
0 likes • 4h
@Jon Myers hahaha epic! I need a copy!
You Do Need a Break (Hear Me Out) 🪫➡🔋
From the bottom of my heart to everyone: (Except @Ryan Duncan @Jade Jemma and @Dave Heraud – sorry guys, this post isn't for you 🙃) I know this topic is controversial, but please hear me out. Breaks are important. Most creators work non-stop, all day, every day, all year. This isn't healthy, especially for your spirit. Did you know every pro sports league has an off-season? Creators can learn from athletes how to take breaks without feeling guilty. Do you agree? When was your last break? I broke my 30-day streak 🔥 status and lost my top 10 all-time leaderboard spot to optimize some big-picture aspects of my life and business. Why? I needed it. But I'm back because I love this space. I deeply ❤️ Skool. And all of you guys!
New comment 5h ago
You Do Need a Break (Hear Me Out) 🪫➡🔋
1 like • 5h
@Cheryl Pearl exactly! sometimes I spend too much time looking for the PERFECT gif 🥹 it’s not entirely sustainable lol
1 like • 5h
@Wendy Wiseman heeeey happy to see you around!!
I feel like I can’t take a day off
Like I totally could But I’ll get obliterated in posts, dms, comments, have people show up at my house etc What do I do to overcome this?
New comment 1h ago
I feel like I can’t take a day off
3 likes • 11h
Wait, but… You don’t strike me as the take a break kinda guy 😏
1 like • 5h
@Cheryl Pearl
Skool Has Changed My Life! 🙏
I joined Skool 2 years ago. And my life has changed completely! Why? Because of "Proximity." The biggest hack in life is surrounding yourself with people who are where you want to be. And Skool gives you the opportunity to connect with pretty much anyone you want, and it's so much easier than in any other platform out there. I made DOZENS of new amazing friends, became financially free at 21, did hundreds of group calls and helped thousands of people, and it's all Because of PEOPLE, Connections, and Communities I FOUND ON SKOOL. If you are reading this, know that you are super lucky, because we are all early and Skool is just getting started! And if you just keep putting one step in front of the other, your life will change too! Keep going! The future looks bright! 🔥 - Harut
New comment 19m ago
Skool Has Changed My Life! 🙏
3 likes • 5h
Super inspiring stuff congrats on your epic Skool journey! Thanks for sharing 👏
1-10 of 857
Faro Zacarías
2,876points to level up
Artist. Entrepreneur. The key is to remember you have the key. Message me "FREE" to get your 1st Skool month for free (💰$99)!

Active 16m ago
Joined Aug 2, 2023
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