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Men of Action: Forum

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9 contributions to Men of Action: Forum
POLL: Do we select "Business" or "Creator" Instagram Account?
When switching our Instagram accounts types to a professional account: (Settings > Account type and tools > Switch to Professional Account > Selecting a Category) It then asks to choose between a Business or Creator account. Which is best for our MOA purposes and why?
8 members have voted
New comment Dec '24
POLL: Do we select "Business" or "Creator" Instagram Account?
1 like • Dec '24
@Will Chou Do you know why he prefers business over creator?
0 likes • Dec '24
@John Hindley Thanks John.
How far Ive come with MOA
I realized for many years, I used to just go to social events mostly to in the daytime to try and meet women. I thought I could just be myself and be confident, and somehow it would naturally lead to success in dating. And occasionally doing day game if I could find a venue in the area. Oh boy, I was doing awful and now I was in my 30s. These events were usually terrible with a very high male to female ratio. I thought just being myself and not having game and having terrible style / fashion and grooming didn’t help much. Even when I upped my style somewhat, I had no solid sense of structure or how to get their contact info, just hoping things would naturally happen. This led to me sometimes not even talking to some girls I liked or not having the courage or ability to get their Instagram or contact info after the social events. And progressing it beyond some brief conversation in Instagram. DMS was also not really happening. I didnt know how. Now that I’ve learned a lot from MOA, full disclosure, I am in the full paid program, too, I have much more mastery over identifying or creating higher quality events with access to higher quality women. But more importantly, I have a solid structure, and game plan and know how to move things forward, With no fear of approaching women, and knowing what I can do to get their Instagram or contact info or proceed further. I am by no means an expert and I still have a lot of room to improve in all these areas but at least I have a concrete game plan rather than where I was before. I didn’t even realize it, but I was sleepwalk through life, thinking I had a game plan in dating when I was really just bumbling around in the dark
New comment Dec '24
4 likes • Dec '24
This is perfect insight and shows high levels of self-awareness. A lot of guys leave their dating lives up to chance. Which is something they would never do in any other area of their life. They wouldn't leave their financial lives up to chance, they go and get jobs, build their resumes, and go to job interviews. They wouldn't leave their education up to chance, they apply to schools and shoot for the highest grades possible. They wouldn't leave their relocation up to chance, they research and talk to people about the place they are considering moving to. But when it comes to dating, I notice most have no plan or strategy other than uploading an abysmal dating profile, start swiping, and "spray and pray". You're the complete opposite, you've been taking massive action and it's inspiring to see 🙌
Choose Your Confidants Wisely
Who you spend time with is who you become. Choose your inner circle wisely Gentlemen.
New comment Dec '24
Choose Your Confidants Wisely
2 likes • Dec '24
@Fernando Vasquez Right on. I was in MOA January of last year. Due to finances I couldn’t continue the program, but it was enough to give me a trajectory.
1 like • Dec '24
@Fernando Vasquez I appreciate it bro. Likewise
Can you really just be friends with females?
I’m 24 yr old virgin (sad to say) who is not afraid to talk to females but has struggled to get into relationships as I’m a guy who doesn’t believe in being friends with girls. I have now switched up my mindset of instead of pouring my energy into a girl, I always let the woman approach and let the girl control their intentions and situations. A lot of girls say “hi” and “bye” and love to talk to me but whenever I try to get to know them like asking personal questions or making plans like going to get food it doesn’t work out and they usually gravitate away from me (personal, work, groups, school, etc) Am I right that guys shouldn’t be friends with girls and even so I only hangout with my guy friends and don’t really consider a girl to be that way. Do I just have bad luck with females idk really? Just really looking for a long term relationship
New comment Dec '24
1 like • Dec '24
Yes, but you friendzone THEM, you don’t get friendzoned.
Weight loss
Hey Men Of Action members, I used to weigh 236Ibs all fat I now weigh 200Ibs All muscle and I have a client who I am about to help loose weight feel free to tap in, any support or love is appreciated... My instagram is @acehovanesian
New comment Dec '24
2 likes • Dec '24
Nice! Got any before and after photos?
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Dez Raskl
36points to level up
IG: @dezraskl

Active 19d ago
Joined Nov 19, 2024
Los Angeles
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