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Created by Daniel

The Mastermind

Private • 13 • $997/m

Private Mastermind from Ted Carr & Daniel Bissonnette.


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free


Private • 660 • $197/m (Free)

Public • 5.6k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free

Procrastination Cure

Private • 3 • $119/m


Private • 216 • $1/m

Skool Café ☕️

Private • 73 • Free

158 contributions to Skool Community
look mama I made it
On the Skool wall 🧱 Next to my good friend @Taylor DeBoer 🍉 Photo cred to @Kylee Irwin-Paz 📸 🍈
New comment 3h ago
look mama I made it
0 likes • 3h
@Ryan Duncan exactly my thoughts
0 likes • 3h
@Ted Carr
FREE Video Sales Letter Script Creator for your About Page 🎁👇
I created this tool for my members and they found it so helpful that I want to share it with you: >>My Video Sales Letter Script Creator<< Creating a compelling video sales letter can be challenging, especially if you've never done it before. That's why I've developed this structured, repeatable process to help you craft solid scripts for your membership or paid community. You can also use this creator for other offers if you just tweak the prompt and specify what your offer is (for example "VIP day" instead of membership) I've created a detailed walkthrough video to guide you through using this tool effectively. Here's what you'll learn: - The key sections of a high-converting video sales letter - How to brainstorm ideas for each section - Tips for recording your thoughts and refining them - Using AI tools to enhance your script - Adapting the script for different stages of your business Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your existing sales process, this creator will help you develop a persuasive, authentic script that resonates with your ideal clients. Check out the video and the script creator template below. Let's level up your video sales letters together! Got questions? Drop them in the comments 🤗
New comment 1h ago
FREE Video Sales Letter Script Creator for your About Page 🎁👇
15 likes • 1d
CRAZY how much you share for free
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
Step 1: START A COMMUNITY ALREADY!!! IT’S LITERALLY FREE!!! JUST DO IT!!! - Affiliate Link - Not Affiliate Link If you wait for the “right moment” to make a decision, you’ll never make it. Now is always the best time to start. The 2nd best time is now, but since that already past, the 3rd best time is NOW. Name the community whatever you want, don’t waste time thinking about it, you can and will change it later. Once you have the community, make it private, enable membership questions, and to be basic, this is what I would recommend: 1. Why are you interested in joining this community? 2. Enter your best email address. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Step 2: Decide what your community will be. There is no perfect decision, there is no best niche, all you have to do is decide. - Who do you want to work with? - Who can you help? - What problem can you solve if someone gave you $1,000? - What problem would you still be happy to solve if money was not the goal for you? Write this down: “A free community to help [specific avatar] [achieve specific goal]” This is your group description. - Example #1: A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more - Example #2: A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm - Example #3: A free community to help hippies let go of complexity and live more simply and happily every day / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Step 3: Name your community. Make it clear. Make it cool. Examples: - Creator Monetization (A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more) - Particle Accelerator (A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm)
New comment 1d ago
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
2 likes • 1d
@Kai Nemzer omg it worked
How Max Perzon Doubled His Skool Sales in 30-Days
@Max Perzon is the first person to win the Skool Games twice. To celebrate, @Wiktor Romanowicz and I caught up with him in Vegas to discover: - What Hormozi told him to double his sales - The right time to hire people (and how to do it) - What a “Skool Specialist” is - (And how they can make a lot of money) - His #1 idea for reducing churn - Why the MaxPremium Metaverse failed - And the most bulletproof way to reprogram your mind to become a successful person Check it out! Max's Skool:
New comment 11h ago
How Max Perzon Doubled His Skool Sales in 30-Days
4 likes • 1d
Bringing Wiktor on was genius @Matthew Thompson 2x the amount of free material here
Ultimate About Page check list (copywriter's perspective)
I've spent hours and (DAYS on some) tweaking about pages for multiple Skool communities, ranging from $7 to $999. Summary at end (but I recommend reading it all) ⤵️ As with all my posts, I'm ASSUMING you already have your offer dialed in.... (If you don't, go learn from @Ted Carr, @Max Perzon, or @Goose Dunlavey) ⭐ Once you have the niche, here are KEY components I've seen on the biggest communities' pages: ▫️Good Graphics People see these first. Most graphics include copy. Make sure the words in your graphics are intentional and not the same as your description copy. 💠 VSL: See my last post for the detailed blueprint, but a killer VSL builds trust, eliminates objections, and establishes credibility all just in a couple minutes (and can eliminate the need for a sales call in many cases). 💠 Credibility: In your graphics, include as much social proof as you have. Testimonial videos, screenshots of text messages, wins your clients received, 6-pack abs (pls only do this if your niche is fitness 😅), and your own personal results establish the kind of credibility that makes the buyer confident in moving forward. ▫️Description Copy 💠 Emojis: Use emojis to make the page more interesting and substitute bullet points for relevant emojis. 💠 Bullets: List out the deliverables of your community. These should only include end-result focused deliverables. Don't list anything twice. The shorter, and more direct, the better. 💠 $ Value (optional): If you include what each deliverable is worth, you can stack up the "value" of your community. For example: 🚀 One-on-one coaching call (normally $997) 🚀 In person networking event (normally $1,500) 🚀 First client guaranteed (Normally $3,000) Total value: 5,497 You pay: $297 💠 Urgency: At the end of your copy, why is the prospect motivated to click "Join?" They need a reason to take action NOW. This can be limited availability, a finite timeframe to join, or prices increasing soon. Example
New comment 3d ago
Ultimate About Page check list (copywriter's perspective)
8 likes • 7d
@Kai Nemzer
1-10 of 158
Daniel Bissonnette
5,512points to level up
Managed over $1,300,000 in ad spend. International speaker 🎤 best selling author 📚 Skool Games Winner 🏆

Active 1h ago
Joined Feb 2, 2024
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