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8 contributions to Synthesizer School
0 likes โ€ข 16d
@James Naing nooo.... Why would I close for somebody else when I can close for my business.
1 like โ€ข 16d
@Ayush Sharma I started working 5 years ago... I have been doing coaching since February
8 years It took me to overcome my camera fear!
You see it took 8 years for me to get over my camera shyness. I tried over and over and over and over again, but nothing worked ever! I always always wanted to start a YouTube channel but I never could, due to so many limiting beliefs fighting in my head. I just distracted myself with building my skills building businesses helping people with marketing and so onโ€ฆ But none of those distracting things harmed me rather, it helped me to build the confidence to teach people something. But, still, I was missing out on what I really wanted, YOUTUBE. It was only because of my friend @Ali Alqaraghuli, that I was able to do it! He helped me immensely to work through my beliefs and post videos. He will be able to tell you more about how he did this magic with systematic actions! I will tell you a crazy recent one, this month he challenged me, we have to post one video a day starting February 2nd until February 28th. And, if we miss a day we have to pay the other person $1000 bucks. CRAAAZZZYY, Right? I had to do it. And today, I can gladly say I am finally at a point where I can share a video I made on my channel.
New comment Feb 19
2 likes โ€ข Feb 16
@Corey Bennett Boardman yeah, a really big one for me!
2 likes โ€ข Feb 19
@Paul Sedillo Thank You So Much
Alex Hormozi's New Book '$100M Leads'
Did you guys got notified about the new book from Alex Hormozi? if not sign up for his event where he will be announcing the details:
New comment Jul '23
0 likes โ€ข Jul '23
@Mustafa Rasool August 19th
1 like โ€ข Jul '23
@Sherwin Yawn I am sure they will have replay available if you register
Revealing the mystery client
For the past few weeks I've been talking about a big deal with a consulting business ran by an 8-figure entrepreneur. They realised that, whilst they were making $1,000,000+ with ads, it wasn't the optimal play long-term. So I was brought on board to create world-class content, hire an incredible highly-leveraged content team, and build them a big organic audience. I've been pretty mysterious about who the client is... But now that our first video is live, it's time for the grand reveal. ...... Ever wondered what powers the brains of the world's most productive people? What defines the cognition of those whoโ€™ve accomplished historyโ€™s greatest feats โ€” whether itโ€™s Einstein while solving for his Theory of Relativity, Sam Altman coding ChatGPT or Marie Curie conducting her pioneering research on radioactivity? The answer... is Flow State. And let's just say the client I've been working with is no beginner in how to access flow state. The client is Flow Research Collective, and the 8-figure entrepreneur is Rian Doris (who happens to be the new founder of They're the global leader in peak performance research and training. And having worked with clients at Google, Navy Seals, and F1... And reading 10,000+ research papers on flow state... They've developed a four part system for unlocking insane focus on command, using the flow state. Click here to watch the video, and then comment below what you think! It's a very exciting day for me :) EDIT: Analytics after 20 days attached. Not bad for a first video!
New comment Feb 1
1 like โ€ข May '23
My brain just exploded
Money EQ - Clearing Blocks From Your Family
I was going through Money EQ from Ken Honda. There's a point when you picture your parent's childhood to feel their pain and understand why they have their current relationship with money and abundance. You understand what blocks and old patterns you share. I was awestruck to understand the similarities we share in terms of money mindset and emotional patterns. I highly encourage everyone to do this. It can be difficult and uncomfortable to confront these patterns and beliefs, but it can also be incredibly transformative and healing. By understanding where our family's money mindset comes from, we can begin to break free from negative patterns and create a healthier relationship with money and abundance for ourselves and build generational wealth. ๐Ÿ‘‘
7 members have voted
New comment Apr '23
1 like โ€ข Apr '23
@Corey Bennett Boardman Yes Indeed!
1-8 of 8
Bipasha Dutta
12points to level up
Sell Ethically. (Intention + Transformation + Persuasion) One Call Closing With LOVE! ๐Ÿ’–

Active 21h ago
Joined Mar 2, 2023
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