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Facilitator Club

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Inner Circle Mentorship

Private • 761 • Free

17 contributions to Facilitator Club
We all know this facilitator...
I bumped into this on Linkedin, and it made me laugh. How much of this is you?
New comment 7d ago
2 likes • 23d
hilarious! I'm a facilitator 'in the making' so thanks for the warnings;-)
0 likes • 7d
@Emmanuel Setyawan 🤣
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
0 likes • 19d
@Chris Green thanks!
0 likes • 19d
@Hassanein Ismail thanks!
Greetings from Poland
Hi, I'm Peter. I first heard the word "facilitation" two years ago, six months ago I understood what it meant.... and immediately fell in love ;) I see great potential in facilitation and workshops in Poland, where it is not yet a popular profession. I look forward to exchanging experiences :)
New comment 18d ago
2 likes • 23d
Lots of success with blazing the facilitation trail in Poland!
Calling Freelancers/Solopreneurs running Design Sprints
Hi there! I am on my journey to become a full time freelance facilitator and I decided to participate in the Design Sprint Masterclass to improve my toolkit. Until now my experience running Design Sprints has been in a company, where I always had other people in my team for support and to do various tasks. Also, in the Masterclass AJ&Smart talks a lot about the sprint from a company point of view, again with a lot of people and resources involved. This is why I would like to get some experience from other facilitators doing design sprints solo as freelancers, and what are your tips and challenges. If you have some input regarding the following (but not exclusively), I would be very grateful: 1. How do you deal with the preparation be it live or remotely, do you have any support, do you do everything alone, do you involve the client? For example for all the onboarding meetings, prep meetings, meeting organisation, prepping the room, snacks and drinks etc. 2. How do you deal with facilitating alone? In my experience it is hard to be attentive to every aspect of such a complex workshop, especially in some more demanding exercises. Do you enlist a co-facilitator from the client, do you have someone that can jump in when you need? Other ideas or tips? 3. How do you deal with all the work behind user recruiting and organising the user tests? Do you delegate to the client? Do you onboard someone to do it for you or do you handle everything at the same time? 4. Prototyping: Again, how do you juggle the work involved in this phase? Do you offer building the prototype yourself or do you give this to-do to the clients design team? And what if the client does not have a design team or resources to create the prototype themselves? 5. Finally, what are your deliverables at the end of the sprint and the timings between the end of the sprint and getting your results to the client? Hopefully this is not too much, looking forward to reading your experiences!
New comment 20d ago
1 like • May 19
This is so incredibly helpful as the Getting started is always the hardest! Thanks so much!
Our Sprint-for-Sprint Project! 🚀 Facilitators Needed
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a couple of awesome facilitators to help out with a new initiative. We're designing sprint sessions for e-commerce companies, where we go in and fix problems as a short term swat team to go in and fix and come out. We need facilitators for different department teams: - Design team: improving UX/UI, branding content creation, and listing improvements - Marketplace team: optimizing listings, improving search rankings, and boosting marketplace performance - Data team: analyzing metrics, identifying trends, and providing actionable insights - Back-end team: create or optimize backend database structures as most ecommerce brands lack backend in the early stages We've got a pool of e-commerce clients who need short-term sprints to fix specific problems. If this could be a chance to work together, would love to share this opportunity togehter as we need a constant facilitation throughout the program! Facilitation and sprint design will be crucial, for this sprint-for-sprint model. Would love to know if you know anyone who would be a great fit. Also, if you have any better ideas than this approach, I'd love to hear and learn from you! Please feel free to message me 🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻
New comment May 23
1 like • May 19
sounds really interesting. I completed the course but I have no work experience yet as a facilitator, so I guess I'm not a right fit. If you can use some low profile assistance it might be a a good opportunity though to get me started. Please PM me if you think that might be helpful.
1-10 of 17
Mel S
29points to level up
I love to run and connect with other runners

Active 15h ago
Joined Jul 10, 2023
on the move;-)
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