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Communify aims for Skool Community leaders to share their hurdles and grow together towards $10.000/month


Skool Community

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Synthesizer School

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The No-Code Integrator

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Viral YouTube Mastermind

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164 contributions to Synthesizer School
What books are synthesizers reading on February?
Attach an image of your book to prove your actually reading it ( self-help not shelf help )
New comment Feb 20
1 like • Feb 19
This book turned out a lot better than I anticipated
I struggled to work 4 hrs/day. Now I'm addicted to 10-12 hour days
I used to BARELY work 4 hours a day and get poor output. Here’s how I tweaked my mindset, goals, and diet to effortlessly and enjoyably work 10-12 hours, making crazy progress each day. I know Andrew talks about Dopamine detox and it is HUGE. Special thanks to him for creating this community, have learned from the synthesizers I have met and already have made great relationships. Awesome to be here! Working less can be great! It’s most entrepreneurs' goal to have time freedom, to spend time on their hobbies, bond with family, or focus on passions. HOWEVER, if it’s just you working alone or you are just starting your business… it can be destructive. -It kills positive momentum, drastically slowing down growth potential -It usually leaves you with excess energy, which causes stress and anxiety -You aren’t able to put the time in that you need to actually create growth, most likely you are maintaining if not declining -Where you spend your time afterwards can be distracting from your biggest goals -It becomes a dreaded portion of your day -I was going for recurring revenue, but didn’t want recurring work, since I was new, clients weren’t happy The truth is, in most cases it’s often a delusion that new entrepreneurs can quit a full time job and expect to work half the hours and get 10x pay. Eventually, yes, but starting out, you actually have to build something. If it was easy... everyone would be millionaires. As embarrassing as it is, I let myself fall into this mindset for the first 9 months of my business. I spent excess time playing video games, watching YouTube, going out to eat junk food, and while I might have “felt” great in those moments, my constant reality was suppressed depression. I wasn’t building something I was proud of, I was doing just enough to survive and bring in barely the amount of income I needed and maybe a couple hundred more. I had to look at the past 6 months, the past year, and look at the fact that I was wasting my life. I have goals, I want financial freedom, I want to spend time with my family. I was never gonna get there by just coasting. Something had to change.
New comment Feb 22
2 likes • Feb 19
Great post Garrett. I dopamine detoxed since 4 weeks ago from video gaming. Completely changed everything for me. The benefits were actually much greater than I thought. - Increased clarity - Increased work performance - Increased work load - Increased fulfilment - Increased creativity - Increased mood It's funny. Once you're 3-4 weeks in you start to question why you've never lived like this before. It's almost like you're a different person. Currently going nose deep into the world of Adobe Software. That's another thing I learned. If you go full monk mode on something non-stop for 60 days, you're coming back so incredibly skilled to who you were 2 months prior. I just kept saying to myself ''Every day wasted on video games is a day further away from becoming a millionaire''. Allow me to humble brag, but my video editing skills from going full monk mode is already better than what most people upload after being years on Youtube. My tactic was to instead of making the videos I wanted to make, I literally learned every effect Adobe has to offer such that I can connect the dots better than anyone when adding new content. Still in the process but I know for a fact it'll all pay off.
My Ultimate Guide to Cold Outreach
Cold Outreach alone got me my first $10K Month within my first year of business. Here is the system that got me there (and how you can build it for your service based business) I personally love cold outreach because it’s a really fast way to get results. You send someone an email/Linkedin message, they respond, and you get them on a sales call. Simple. For that reason, as much as I love content & communities, I’ll always have a big part of my growth strategy based on cold outreach. In fact, when someone is just starting their biz, cold outreach is the best tactic because it’s free, fast, and simple to execute. However, from speaking with a ton of founders in this community, the general understanding is that most will “do it when I have time”, meaning it’s a bit inconsistent when it comes to actually landing clients. For that reason, I wanted to quickly share how you can build a system to predictably gain a certain number of customers every month using cold outreach. Before we begin, just a few housekeeping items to take care of. First off thanks to Andrew for creating this awesome community. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say he's done an awesome job of bringing synthesizers together to learn and share advice to each other. Reshaping the way I look at the world every day. By the way, this will be long. I’m going super in depth, so if you don’t like to read details or specifics, best that you skip this. BUT, for those of y’all who take the time, I’m pretty much revealing all my secrets that took me from 0 to my first $10K month using cold outreach alone. First off, before we even send a single message, it’s important to understand your high-level goals, and what your daily activity will need to be Selling with cold outreach is a numbers/volume game, meaning if you understand your input, conversion rates, and output, then you know exactly how much time and energy you need to put in to gain 1 client. Let’s reverse engineer your goal to figure out exactly what you need to do to make it happen, pull out a pen and paper, we’ll make it easy.
New comment Feb 12
1 like • Feb 12
What does a generic offer look like for you? By the way, great post!
Business as a 13yr
Hello, my name is Adam and I am 13 years old I've been trying to make money for some time now I tried yt shorts and a bit of dropshipping but I stopped when I found out that it's a kind of dead business, now I'm trying copywriting in upwork but so far it's not working either That's why I'm asking you whether I should continue with something or should I start something else or stop altogether.(im too young to make a skool group because people don't think that they can get value from 13yr)
New comment Feb 10
5 likes • Feb 9
The fact that you're already thinking about this at age 13 is amazing. If I were to be in your shoes I would do the following things: - Learn a high value skill. ''How can I add value to already successful people'' - Learn a second high value skill that compliments the initial skill. For example: Copywriting + Sales - Learn a third if you're very very disciplines. Copywriting + Sales + Marketing (just an example, could be any high value skill). Do this non stop until you're 16 years old. Then use this to help someone for free and earn credibility. After you've earned credibility, people will come to ask you. That's when you charge them BIG. Trap to be aware of. You're 13, this means you may not have experienced it yet but there's a trap called overindulgence. Learn to: - Monotask - Focus deeply on 4 things only Social media, food or video games will draw you into it's evil path of slow decay. Through training yourself on focusing only on 4 things (health, wealth, relationship & hobby), you'll have focus and direction. It will be tough but it will be worth it.
My YouTube Un-Successful Experience
Hi Synthesizers, I've been posting quite regularly on Youtube for almost 3.5 years, and I'm still very stuck. I talk about my expertise about sports injuries and produce some Guides and blueprints to solve the problems on your own. My approach to the topic is quite controversial, since I only use physical exercise whereas others do many things, some of which doesn't work And as a practitioner, I have very good results Yet After 200+ long-form videos and 300+ short form videos I'm growing very slowly. I'm at 1420 subs and the monetization is still a long way out. My goal is to build authority and have leads and clients coming in organically. That goal, in a very limited way, is reached. Yet since I put a lot of effort on this area, I'm thinking that there is something wrong with what i'm doing that is holding the results back What do you think about that? Do you have any suggestion? P.S. please note that I speak italian to italians P.P.S for the curious ones, here's the link to the channel
New comment Feb 13
2 likes • Feb 8
Watch this video, implement and try again
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Robin Bäcker
1,325points to level up
Growth operator & Leader of Communify

Active 1d ago
Joined Jan 2, 2024
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