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We want to hear from you😃
Spent the bulk of March doing B2B AI-training sessions and the rest of it on calls getting to know some of you and your pain points. (Thanks for sharing). Excited to meet and talk to each and all of you (soon I hope!) Our group is growing faster, and since it's not easy getting on calls in a short time span, I'd like to ask your thoughts below. We want to serve you better, and ensure everyone benefits from this shared value. Below are some focus areas for April's cohort. (More details to follow) Please vote and feel free to add alternative suggestions we didn't consider. Thanks
46 members have voted
New comment 18d ago
Our Collective Vision for The 4 Hour AI Workweek
Happy Monday to all! Our community, the 4HAIWW, can either be a promising online gathering place for LEARNING, SHARING, and GROWTH toward a UNITED VISION. or it could become a DISTRACTION, with no clear direction and everyone posting random content that has little value. The vision of being a 4HAIWW member is to: A. Get smarter on AI for increased EFFICIENCY - This includes doing more with less. - Making tons more money - Saving precious time B. Sharing our learnings, tips, and tricks with other members to create synergies that will BENEFIT ALL. AND for our posts to benefit all, I’d like to suggest a certain mental framework when posting: 1. Each post should have a clear intended value (something should be learned) 2. Each post should have a specific target audience (To Marketers/teachers/AI enthusiasts etc…) This way we ensure each post carries value. If you agree to the above, let’s make this the top practical AI community that exists - please share with others in your network. Note: any member who is inactive for 30days will be removed. Please post and engage as much as you like, as the learning increases with volume. Onwards and upwards. Thanks
New comment 20d ago
Start Here: Community Manifesto
Welcome! We join this community to: - Learn practical useful AI for daily work - Be accountable and inspired - Help each other leverage AI We make sure that no one gets left behind in the AI revolution, no one loses their job to AI. We want people to WIN time with AI. To spend that time with the family. To build the dream business. To enjoy life and hobbies. Jokes are welcomed, motivation posts are welcomed, questions are welcomed, chill conversations about news and between members are welcomed. Empty self promotion is NOT welcomed and/or lack of respect is NOT tolerated = removed messages + BAN. If you are not interested in this, don't stay here. If you ARE interested in this, we will create events for you, Spaces, discussion, bonus content and more. To support your growth and learning together with AI. Lyle & Alex, the Founders, are here, working for you daily to make this the BEST AI Community on Skool. Our trusted Community Champions Luke Skyward & Jeff Olsen are also here to support us. To make the dream of The 4 Hour AI Workweek a reality. Welcome, smooth AI operator! You can start by checking out the welcome messages for each channel to understand their mission and posting guidelines: ➤ 🥇 General Chat ➤ 👋 Introductions ➤ 📣 Announcements ➤ 🎙️ Events ➤ 🤖 Prompt Engineering
New comment Mar 23
AI for Your Creative Process 🎉
You’re probably underestimating AI’s role in your creative process. Most are doing it wrong. If at all… AI is a creative genius. But how do you amplify creativity and churn out innovative ideas consistently? That's what I'll unveil today. After reading this, you'll know how to use AI as a powerful ally in your creative pursuits. >>> Bookmark This Thread <<< Creativity is a fire that can be fueled by the right tools. This is why even a simple AI tool like ChatGPT can significantly enhance your creative process. Our brains are designed to create and connect ideas. But with AI's capability to process and generate data quickly, you’ll see amazing results. In the next few lines... I'll share key techniques that make leveraging AI for creativity truly impactful. Grab a pen and paper... And get ready to boost your idea generation. Before we proceed, two things: 1. Hit the “Follow” & repost this so more people can learn. 2. Join my Skool community (FREE): [Link in bio] Done? Let’s jump in: 1. Use AI Writing Prompts Great creativity starts not with a "blank page" but with a "prompted start". For instance: Use AI tools to provide thought-provoking prompts that spur your imagination into uncharted territories. This approach captures attention and ideas right away. 2. Engage in Rapid Idea Generation Begin with a broad topic or theme. Let AI quickly brainstorm a list of ideas, concepts, or headlines, expanding your creative horizons effectively. 3. Experiment with AI Image Generation Always focus on visual storytelling. Describe a concept visually to an AI, and use its unique outputs as a springboard for further creative exploration. 4. Leverage AI for Rewriting and Remixing Details matter. Feed AI existing ideas and let it twist them into new perspectives, adding freshness to your concepts. 5. Set Specific Creative Goals Increase your project's depth. Define the theme, tone, and purpose to guide AI’s output towards fulfilling your creative objectives.
Hot take. Most prompt engineering tips are overhyped.
Here are 6 reasons why: 1. Oversimplified Advice: • Role play as an expert, "You’re a world-leading expert on negotiation" • Introduce incentives, "If you succeed, you’ll be awarded $250k in cash" • Allow thinking time These tips aren't universally applicable. No one-size-fits-all in AI. 2. AI Cash Grabs: • The push for expensive tools and technical training • The necessity of API knowledge and latest models • Stay Skeptical: Many are quick to profit from AI hype. Question motives behind the advice. 3. Outdated Tips: • Tips that became popular just after ChatGPT's launch • Ancient History: In the fast-paced AI world, yesterday's news might as well be from ancient Rome. 4. Iterative Nature: • It’s all about trial and error • Needs uniquely tailored prompts • Constant model updates mean strategies must evolve • No Silver Bullet: There’s no one perfect solution in prompt engineering. 5. Narrow Research: • Most studies focus on a very limited set of tasks • Highly subjective assessments • Broaden Your View: What works in a study might not apply in real-world scenarios. 6. Limits of Capability: • Even the perfect prompt can't exceed AI's inherent capabilities • Reality Check: Want a left-handed writer in an AI-generated image? That might still be a stretch. Key Takeaway: Most advice is too generic: Avoid one-size-fits-all advice. Instead, get advice tailored to your unique situation. Tools aid, skills accomplish. Focus on building your skills, not just collecting Thanks for reading. Share your views on prompt engineering in its current state. :)
New comment 1d ago
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Mission: Learn how to triple your results in half the time. Dream: Achieve a 40-hour week's work in just 4 hours with ChatGPT and AI tools in 2024!
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