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AI PRO 1.0 Beta Course (Out Now) SPECIAL👇
It's here and available for purchase now (Check the Loom for details) Practical, no fluff AI tutorials and workflows to take your AI expertise to the next level. Here's what you will learn: - Visually represent your data and attractive charts and graphs to persuade others (productive) - Automate your Twitter content end to end from RSS feed to automated scheduling (hours saved) - Use an AI SEO assistant for optimized blogs that rank you on the first page of Google (smart) - Build a custom GPT specialized in space repetition to help you learn faster and retain it (genius) - Use Exa to conduct thorough research and summarize research papers effectively (efficient) All this for only... $47 Once-off AND... I'll throw in a bonus tutorial: - Go from idea to prototype by whipping up your landing page in 60 Seconds Grab yours today by heading over to the "Classroom" tab and clicking on "AI PRO 1.0 Course" to purchase: Let's get learning, and please give me your feedback as you go through it. By getting this course, you'll also be helping me gather feedback for the future course releases and workshops. Thanks for your support, and being a valued member of 4 Hour AI Skool community. Let's put AI to work in Q3!
New comment 12h ago
AI PRO 1.0 Beta Course (Out Now) SPECIAL👇
My New "AI Pro" Course Dropping in 12 Hours🙌
After teaching practical AI for more than 8 months with a successful first course called "The 4 Hour AI Workweek" I gathered tons of feedback from students and people relying on AI for productivity gains. By far the biggest takeaway is NO FLUFF, HIGH SIGNAL, APPLICABLE AI workflows and tutorials that bring about immediate change in the way people work and complete tasks. In 12 hours I will release a beta mini course at a silly discount which will form part of a larger course release end of year. Tomorrow's release can be completed this weekend and will drastically change the way you work. You'll save hours every day and maximize your efficiency to the point where your old work routine is in the forgotten past. So, if you want no-fluff AI tutorials, packed with value - be on the lookout for tomorrow's release. I would urge you to grab the special discount while it's available. Thanks, see you tomorrow!
New comment 12h ago
My New "AI Pro" Course Dropping in 12 Hours🙌
Our Collective Vision for The 4 Hour AI Workweek
Happy Monday to all! Our community, the 4HAIWW, can either be a promising online gathering place for LEARNING, SHARING, and GROWTH toward a UNITED VISION. or it could become a DISTRACTION, with no clear direction and everyone posting random content that has little value. The vision of being a 4HAIWW member is to: A. Get smarter on AI for increased EFFICIENCY - This includes doing more with less. - Making tons more money - Saving precious time B. Sharing our learnings, tips, and tricks with other members to create synergies that will BENEFIT ALL. AND for our posts to benefit all, I’d like to suggest a certain mental framework when posting: 1. Each post should have a clear intended value (something should be learned) 2. Each post should have a specific target audience (To Marketers/teachers/AI enthusiasts etc…) This way we ensure each post carries value. If you agree to the above, let’s make this the top practical AI community that exists - please share with others in your network. Note: any member who is inactive for 30days will be removed. Please post and engage as much as you like, as the learning increases with volume. Onwards and upwards. Thanks
New comment 9d ago
GPT-4 Outperforms Humans at Financial Analysis
Someone once asked AI researchers what their secret to effective financial analysis was. Their answer will surprise the sh*t out of you. Here’s what they had to say: Predicting Earnings with AI The study aimed to see if GPT-4 could analyze financial statements and predict future earnings like a pro human analyst. They fed it standardized balance sheets and income statements. At first, it seemed like a wild idea with no real-world application. But years later, when GPT-4 tackled financial analysis, it all made sense. The AI far outperformed human analysts. Chain-of-Thought Magic The researchers used a Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompt to guide GPT-4 through the step-by-step analysis, just like a human analyst would think. This approach sustained GPT-4 through complex financial scenarios. Its systematic thinking enabled it to handle challenges and deliver accurate predictions. The data: From 1968 to 2021, the study analyzed data from 15,401 firms, including 150,678 firm-year observations —just pure fundamental analysis. With just the numbers, GPT-4 predicted future earnings with impressive accuracy, proving that AI could match and even surpass human analysts in some cases. Benchmark Comparisons For comparison, the study used logistic regression, an advanced neural network, and consensus forecasts by financial analysts. GPT-4 with CoT outperformed them all. This teaches us that structured numerical data, when analyzed properly, can yield powerful insights. Have the courage to trust data-driven approaches. AI's Analytical Edge GPT-4’s ability to analyze large quantities of unstructured data quickly gave it a significant edge over traditional models and human analysts. When the results were in, GPT-4 had a 60% accuracy rate compared to the naive model’s 49%. This leap showcased AI’s potential in financial analysis. Future of Financial Analysts With AI taking over data-heavy tasks, financial analysts might shift towards more strategic and interpretative roles, focusing on insights rather than just data crunching.
GPT-4 Outperforms Humans at Financial Analysis
Hello I am Sangbong I am new in the the AI world I need some guidance
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Use AI to finish a 40-hour week's work in just 4 hours. Then build your AI empire to the BILLIONS with Systems: Workflows, Automation, & No code
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