I Got Ranked #1 on Google in 3 Minutes - Secret Traffic Hack!
I find this guy a bit zany & some of his ideas bizarre but this is a technique a lot of people suggest & it's good to be reminded of what does work from time to time:
Here's the summary -
affiliatemarketingmcOpens in a new windowGoogle seo traffic and top rankings... its the talk of the town ever since the helpful content update, partnership with reddit, and big companies DOMINATING the serps.
The video is about a method to get free traffic from Google by creating downloadable content and strategically placing it on other platforms.
The speaker says that even though Google has been making it harder to rank for affiliate websites and AI content, there's a way to get free traffic. The method is to create downloadable content, such as cheat sheets, templates, ebooks, and infographics, that people would want and then place them on other websites.
Here are the steps outlined in the video:
· Identify your audience's needs and pain points. What are they searching for online?
· Use tools like Chat GPT to brainstorm downloadable content ideas related to your niche.
· Create high-quality downloadable content that provides value to your audience.
· Find websites where you can upload your content, such as SlideShare, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Pinterest.
· Promote your downloadable content on social media, email marketing, and forums.
· Track your downloads and update your content regularly.
The speaker says that this method is very effective and that some of his content on SlideShare was uploaded in 2014 and still gets traffic today.
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Anthony Sunderland
I Got Ranked #1 on Google in 3 Minutes - Secret Traffic Hack!
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