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Challenge: Get 1,000 Pinterest Followers In 60 Days
"Are you crazy?" I can hear you asking, "why start on a Friday, and especially so close to Christmas?" For the same reason I started the ill-fated TikTok challenge on a Friday: it gets me going and forces me to take action. also, it still leaves me about 50 days in the new year, with a bit of momentum built up. At the moment I've got 13 followers & about 5.5K monthly views. Posts are scheduled up to 5PM GMT tomorrow, & I'll schedule more before going to my niece's for tea. I certainly won't be posting Xmas day, but will have posts scheduled right up to Boxing Day (Tues)
New comment 12d ago
✨🚀Frank Kern's 4 Milestones To Boost Sales📈
Frank defines the four steps to a sale as: - Attention. - Lead. - Offer. - Follow Up. - Learn more @:
Build A Big-list Of Buyers-without Making A Single Sale🚀
A bit of a play on a tried and tested method, but it could well make you some money while you build a buyers list
New comment 22d ago
The $15,000 Pinterest Secret: How Everyday People Are Making Money on This Platform
While everyone’s buzzing about Instagram and TikTok as the money-making machines of social media, I’m here to spill the tea on Pinterest — the under-rated, highly caffeinated platform that can fuel your bank account. Don’t get me wrong, those other platforms are powerhouses, but Pinterest boasts over 450 million active users every month, which is a goldmine waiting to be tapped.
New comment 25d ago
Discover How Amy’s Lead Generation Pyramid works to grow your mailing list
You know how important email is (crucial, in fact). You know how much I prioritize email above all other marketing channels (because it’s the only one you own and control). You know my thoughts on list-building and engagement and staying in touch with your subscribers. And I know that for some of you, my email marketing method feels a bit overwhelming—especially if you’re just getting started. That’s why when I met Amy Kuphal, I knew I had to introduce her to you. Amy is an email marketing ninja, but more than that, she’s a systems lover, and she wants nothing more than to make email marketing easy for everyone to do.
New comment Jun 25
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