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In order to get acquainted and and help fellow community members, please share: 1. The name and location of your shop. 2. Your biggest frustration with finding techs. 3. How you found your last tech.
New comment Feb 21
Use this proven checklist to create help wanted ads that grab attention, make your shop stand out and generate a consistent flow of applications on demand.
New comment Sep '23
Our mission is to provide proven templates, strategies, training and top-level networking that help independent auto repair shops hire quality staff faster. ⚡ ⁣ 🙌 We are thrilled to have you here! 🙌 We don't want you to end up with a business that's unprofitable or stuck because you can't find good quality staff and it’s why we created this community.⁣ 💪 It’s time to get after it! 💪⁣ Over time, we will share with this community, everything we do on a day-to-day basis to generate 300 - 500 applications per week from high-quality technicians, service advisors, managers and every other staff position. These tools, strategies and techniques have allowed us on average to help over 100 shops per year to find good technicians and many other high-culture employees. We want to share everything we have learned and are currently implementing with you but more importantly, we want you to share what's working for you with the group! 🚀 [STEP 1] GETTING STARTED The best place to start is by downloading THE ULTIMATE TECHNICIAN AD CHECKLIST and following it each time you write a new ad for techs. You can find it here — 🚀 [STEP 2] PAY IT FORWARD There's 1 thing we ask of you since you’re new here to this community… Invite 3 fellow shop owners. That’s it. 👊 Send them this link to join our community 👉 This community is dedicated to taking the pain out of finding high-quality employees so you can build a high performance team and grow your business without limits… We share everything from: ✅ How to properly craft an irresistible help wanted ad that attracts high-quality employees
Gearing up for the weekend?
As we roll into the weekend, we hope you have some time to relax and recharge. But if you're looking to get ahead, we've got a couple of action items to help you refine your hiring strategy and attract the right techs for your shop. Weekend Action Items: 1. Create a Pros and Cons List: - Take a step back and look at your shop from a potential candidate's perspective. List out the pros and cons of what your shop has to offer. Think about factors like work environment, career growth opportunities, team culture, and benefits. 2. Highlight the Pros: - Once you've identified the strengths of your shop, consider how you can emphasize these in your job ads, social media posts, and interviews. Whether it's a supportive team atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment, or professional development opportunities, make sure these highlights stand out. 3. Improve the Cons: - Address the areas where your shop may fall short. Is there room for improvement in work-life balance? Could your compensation packages be more competitive? Consider actionable steps to turn these cons into pros, such as offering flexible schedules, additional training, or enhanced benefits. By taking the time to evaluate and enhance your shop's appeal, you can position yourself to attract and retain top-notch technicians. Enjoy your weekend, and here's to setting your shop up for success! What steps are you taking to improve your hiring strategy? Share your thoughts below! 👇
Gearing up for the weekend?
The hidden reason your applicant pool is dry this summer
I hope this post finds you well, with a shop full of profitable work (and the hands to get it done). Lately, I've been hearing from shops across the country that it’s taking longer than usual to fill open positions and I wanted to let you know what I’m seeing personally. From coast to coast, I'm seeing a trend: hiring is taking longer, and applications are fewer. Now, before you start thinking it's just your shop or your area, let me assure you - this is a nationwide phenomenon. Here's what's going on: 1. Summer Slowdown: We see this every year. People are more focused on vacations than job hunting. 2. Election Year Effect: With the upcoming election, we're seeing increased ad censorship and a flood of political ads, which affects our industry's visibility. 3. Competition Is Increasing: So what else is new? This has been going on for a while. But here's the thing - challenges create opportunities for those willing to innovate. And that's exactly what we're doing. We've been developing a game-changing tool: the Technician Salary Survey. Here's how it works: We run Facebook ads in various cities, offering techs a summary of salaries in their area. The response has been phenomenal because techs LOVE this information. Now, we're taking it a step further. We're building an automated follow-up system that will pull this data from Facebook and nurture these leads until they're ready to have a conversation with you. It's like having a dedicated recruitment assistant working 24/7. While we're still ironing out some kinks, I believe this will revolutionize how we attract top talent in our industry. If you’d like to see what the salary survey looks like, reply to this post with your city name, and we'll create a personalized Technician Salary Survey for your area. You'll get a firsthand look at what techs in your region are earning and what they're looking for. Remember, in times like these, patience and innovation are key. We might be experiencing a temporary slowdown, but with the right tools and mindset, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity to build stronger, more resilient teams.
New comment 1d ago
The hidden reason your applicant pool is dry this summer
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Technician Find Community
Proven templates, strategies, training and top-level networking to help independent auto repair shops hire quality staff faster.
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