Shop Owner Interviews
Unlock at Level 4
Shop Owner Interviews
Get the inside scoop on what's working to find and retain good technicians directly from successful automotive repair shop owners. These are short, practical and actionable interviews with industry leaders.
Office Hours Recordings
Unlock at Level 2
Office Hours Recordings
We get it...finding good technicians is hard! So that's why we get together two times per month with independent auto repair shop owners and managers where we share practical tips, tools, strategies, an techniques to get more and better applications so you can maintain a fully staffed shop. We're in the trenches every day trying stuff to help shops grab the attention of good employees so they can hire faster. The information we share is all stuff we've learned, tested and proven that you can steal and apply and not have to learn the hard way. This is the area where we store the archives of past calls so you can dive in and revisit the material anytime you want.
Technician Find Workshop
Unlock at Level 3
Technician Find Workshop
Are your help wanted ads not pulling applications from quality technicians? Since 2017, Technician Find has been writing and testing ads to attract high-quality employees for independent automotive repair shops. In module 1 of the Technician Find Workshop I show you how to create powerful ads that grab the attention of good techs and get them to apply. 🚀 My promise: By the time you finish all of the lessons in this module you will have a creative, professional quality ad that is ready to post anywhere on or offline that speaks directly to technicians and invites them into a story about your shop where they are the hero. This ad will be unique, compelling and it will stand out from your competition. This ad will grab the attention of good technicians, hold it and motivate them to apply. Let's get started!
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