Andrew Kirby
YouTube Genius FINALLY reveals his viral growth secrets
Jul '23 (edited) in Other
YouTube Genius FINALLY reveals his viral growth secrets
I have a friend.
He's a YouTube genius.
He has over half a million subscribers.
Got 500,000+ views on a new channel with 0 subscribers.
And knows how to make a viral video better than anyone else I know.
Now, this friend of mine, I've been trying to convince him for a while now to launch a product that shares the things that he's learned over the years...
... And he's always said no.
"I just wanna focus on making videos" he said.
And it makes sense, right? If you truly know the formula to making videos go viral, wouldn't you just focus on making videos?
Well, after talking to him at the creator mastermind (hint), I explained that everyone in this community would die to know the things he knows about YouTube.
And I finally convinced him to launch a weekend mastermind sharing all his viral YouTube growth secrets exclusively to members of the Synthesizer School.
And it's happening THIS WEEKEND!
It will be a paid event. But I know for a fact it'll be worth it for anyone serious about growing their YouTube channel
What would you love to see included in this offer? Let me know with a comment
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