Louie Humble
ONE quick exercise to change the trajectory of your development- Snakes And Ladders🐍🪜
ONE quick exercise to change the trajectory of your development- Snakes And Ladders🐍🪜
I usually only give this to my paying clients… but I’m going to share this with you guys for free as I want to help as many people as possible to become the best version of themselves.
One of the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT exercises you can do in your self improvement journey is what I call ‘finding your SNAKES and LADDERS’.
The first step to doing this is to think about the person you WANT TO BECOME.
Write down 3 characteristics of the person you want to become, for example: ENERGISED, PRODUCTIVE and HEALTHY.
Now for each characteristic, think of as many SNAKES as you can- a SNAKE is a habit that you do currently that takes you FURTHER AWAY from this characteristic.
For example, if you want to become ENERGISED, a SNAKE could be snoozing your alarm, scrolling mindlessly on your phone, or a lack of sleep.
Write these BELOW the characteristic.
After you have your SNAKES, it’s time to think about the LADDERS.
This time, think of as many LADDERS for the characteristics as possible- a LADDER is a habit that you do or could do to take you closer to becoming this characteristic.
For example, if you want to become HEALTHY, a LADDER could be getting 10k steps in each day, prepping healthy meals in bulk, drinking 2-3 litres of water a day.
Write these ABOVE the characteristic.
Once you have your SNAKES and LADDERS mapped out, it’s clear to see what you need to be doing and what should STOP doing if you want to become the best version of yourself.
As a rule of thumb, once you know your snakes and ladders, you need to come up with ways to make the snake habits HARDER to do and the ladder habits EASIER to do.
For example, if one of your SNAKES is that you snooze your alarms all the time, a way to make this HARDER could be to have your alarm on the other side of the room, have a prompt for your first habit of the day right next to your phone, go to sleep earlier etc.
Furthermore, if one of your LADDERS is drinking 2-3 litres of water a day, a way to make this EASIER could be investing in a good water bottle, carrying it with you everywhere, drinking water as soon as you wake up etc.
Let me know if this helped you and what your SNAKES and LADDERS are!
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