Caleb Walker
Need Advice?
Need Advice?
So ... a friend, Matthew messaged our group chat:
He started a skool group teaching people how to make money as virtual assistants!
I know, wild right?
Teaching assistants?
The guy who still gets his mum to book his doctor appointments?
But apparently his VA course is pretty legit.
He already has 34 students signed up at $69 each!
Part of me is wondering
if I accidentally hopped timelines into some alternate reality though.
I mean, since when did Matt become an expert at ANYTHING?
(No offense to him, great guy.)
people are eating up his course!
And I can’t help but think...
Maybe I’m missing an opportunity here. 🤔
So let me pick your brain ...
Have you ever bought any kind of course before?
You know, like a “how to” program with video lessons and stuff.
What specifically made you pull the trigger and buy?
What transformation did it create in your life and business?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the VALUE you got from it?
If NO:
What’s held you back from buying one so far? Bad experience in the past, or...?
And what shift would need to happen for you to confidently invest in a course someday?
Here’s my reason for asking:
For a while now I’ve been thinking about putting together a course on skool...
.... around the freelance copywriting strategies I’ve picked up over the years.
You know, how I went from clueless noob getting $20 gigs on Upwork ...
To getting a $12k offer to write a welcome series ...
So yeah, I’ve learned a LOT about succeeding as a copywriter.
More than most, I’d argue.
And I keep having this voice nagging me in my head ...
What if I could help OTHER desperate beginners shortcut years of painful trial and error in their career ...
By packaging my framework into a course?
I think it could genuinely help aspiring copywriters quit their day jobs and start winning as freelancers fast.
But before I invest months of work into creating something like this, I’d love to know:
Would you have any interest in a course like that?
What would convince you that something I create could actually cut through the noise of scammy “get rich quick” garbage that’s out on youtube?
And is having a simple system to follow something you’d ACTUALLY find helpful?
I don’t want to assume everyone learns the way I do. Maybe you prefer to figure stuff out on your own?
Let me know what's on your Mind!
If you give me some great feedback, I’ll ... S
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