Liam Candlish
If you are struggling to get started, then this might be for you.
If you are struggling to get started, then this might be for you.
1.) Don’t rely on the approval of others
Do you think your co-workers at the 9-5 are going to have your back when you say that you’re going to be an entrepreneur? Probably not. They will probably joke about it or try and talk you out of it. You won’t receive any approval because your life goals don’t align with theirs. Instead of justifying yourself to everyone, hold your cards to your chest and work in silence. Give them something to chatter about 3/6/12 months down the line.
2.) Perfectionism is procrastination in disguise
If you’re waiting for things to be perfect then there isn’t any point in starting, because it will never happen. Let’s take running for example: you might say something along the lines of - I will start running when I have that $200 pair of running shoes as well as the comfy Lycra shorts and the AirPods. You really don’t need all of that to make a start, it’s just another form of procrastination. I often see this man local to me out on his runs and he wears jeans and a button shirt and a knitted sweater. He doesn’t care about what he wears because he’s doing what needs to be done…be that guy.
3.) You can spend 5000 bucks or a course, learning to do the thing…Or you can do the thing
Sometimes the best way to learn is to just do the thing. You could cough up the dollars and throw it at a course which teaches you everything you know, but it doesn’t teach you execution. It doesn’t teach you the personal failures and obstacles that you will have to overcome to win. Like a driving test you have a theory and a practical. A theory can only teach you the basics rules, but the practical puts you behind the steering wheel where you have to learn for yourself. Learn from your fails, learn from what works and what doesn’t. That can only be applied…not taught.
4.) Confidence develops from competence
You’re not going to be a master of anything in the beginning, because you haven’t done it before. In your head you are a skilled pro but on the outside you are a novice.
  • it could take dozen speed dates to be comfortable talking to someone of the opposite sex.
  • It could take hours of speed walking before you are able to run without feeling like your internal organs are trying to escape your body.
  • It could take a hundred videos before you start gaining popularity on social media.
  • It could take a thousand one-liners in your mom’s basement before you’re the headliner.
As long as you remain consistent in what you want to achieve then there is no reason why you won’t develop the confidence you need to succeed.
5.) Compound, compound, compound
Compounding is the secret sauce here. Every highly successful person that you know in today’s age, has honed their skills and stuck it out for the long haul. If you doubled down through thick and thin, then you would be a force to be reckoned with in 10,20,30 years time. There are no real overnight successes. Be the tortoise 🐢.
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