Omar Waseem
I had 6m views on Quora. Here's what I learned about writing
I had 6m views on Quora. Here's what I learned about writing
Millions of people read advice that I gave out on the internet... as a 14 year old.
Over time, I realized the formula for writing viral content was simple:
  1. Pick the right audience and platform (ie Twitter if you're writing something highly-shareable, Quora if you're directly answering a commonly asked question, etc.)
  2. Use a compelling hook. Something that catches the user mid-scroll
  3. Vary your sentence structure. Don't try to maximize the word count per sentence, but also don't try to limit yourself to a few words per sentence
  4. Write like you talk. This is the biggest one. People can sense when you're trying to sound smarter than they are.
(and read your work out loud to yourself before you post)
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