How I sold my first $2490 in 1-1 Coaching Calls
Hello again 👋
Here's a quick framework to help you launch your first paid coaching call.
When I was in college, I earned $19 an hour teaching Chinese kids English online.
Last month, I sold 10 coaching calls for $249 an hour.
What made the difference?
TL;DR I went from teaching something many people can teach (English as a Second Language to Children) to teaching something few people can teach (How to Grow and Monetize your Twitter with a high ticket offer)
Here are the exact steps I took:
  1. Gave Free Calls to my ideal clients
Over the past 6 months, I've spoken to hundreds of people on Twitter. The result was, I knew exactly what beginner one-person biz people were struggling with and how I could help them. And by selling to my shadow, it was fairly easy to help someone 1-2 steps behind me.
2. I launched a simple sales Letter on Google Docs
Instead of getting fancy, I just copied Russel Brunson's Hero's Journey Framework and plugged in my own story and experience.
The letter helped me:
• Highlight who the call was (not) for
• Describe my ideal prospect's problem
• Tell the reader the tangible outcome of booking a call with me
3 people booked immediately when I tweeted the link.
3. I created (real) Scarcity and Urgency
Look, most people are busy.
They don't have time to spend all day on calls. Neither do I.
So over the month of March, I constantly repeated that I was only taking 15 calls and the calls may never be available at the $249 price point again.
If you want action, give people a reason to act.
At the end of every call, I asked three questions which helped me book more calls:
• Do you have any feedback for the call?
• Did you feel like it was worth the $249 price point?
• Would you mind taking 3-4 minutes to write a testimonial?
Everyone agreed to the testimonial. And they became my best marketing material.
The takeaway for you?
People will pay you for your expertise, you just need to communicate clearly and show them how.
Thanks for reading.
Connor Widmaier
How I sold my first $2490 in 1-1 Coaching Calls
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