Sep '23 (edited) in Other
Free 90-Day "Specific Knowledge" Bootcamp (+ What I've Been Working On)
In this post I want to:
  1. Share an opportunity to work with me and the team in a free 90-day "specific knowledge" bootcamp
  2. Reveal what I've been working on and why I've been inactive in the community
After I "retired", I got bored.
So I knew I needed to find my next project.
But in a world of unlimited opportunities, it was hard to orient myself.
Until I hear this piece of advice
  • Go where you are needed
You should always go where you can help the most, in the least amount of time. That's where you're needed most.
After growing my YouTube to 600,000+ subs and making $1,000,000, it was clear I had two skillsets:
  1. Audience growth
  2. Audience monetization
So I was needed in two places:
  1. Helping Consultants grow on YouTube
  2. Helping YouTubers monetize
One group has monetization, but needs an audience.
The other group has an audience, but needs monetization.
Unsure which to go with, I picked the first one.
The main person I worked with was a Consultant called Rian Doris. He bought from Sam Ovens, and runs
I helped him define his YouTube strategy, built a team of A-Players who would execute on the strategy, and led them towards making videos.
What happened next?
Well, the channel blew up.
  • 940,000 views on Video #1 (on a channel with 0 subs)
  • 60,000 subs just 4 months later
So that was it. I knew what I was going to focus on for the next 3-5 years.
I was going to be the 'audience growth' guy.
My YouTuber friend Hamza reached out and asked me how he should monetize his channel.
So I sent him a simple Loom outlining everything I'd do if I were him.
What happened next?
He went from $20,000/month to $200,000/month in 60 days.
Yes, his income 10xed from a simple Loom video.
He was so grateful that he wrote me a handwritten letter that was posted to my house, recorded as many testimonials as I asked, and even bought me a gold chain as a gift.
So let's compare the two opportunities I had:
Results = Great
Time Invested = Lots
Results = Incredible
Time Invested = 8 minutes
One is clearly higher leveraged than the other.
It became clear that where I was needed was helping educational YouTubers monetize.
You see, many of my YouTuber friends have a big audience, but profit margins are tiny. Meaning they're forced to do things they hate, they can't built the team they need, and they eventually burn out.
I know the solution to this.
So I committed.
"I am the audience monetization guy"
"I am the audience monetization guy"
"I am the audience monetization guy"
And I can't explain how well it's going...
  • We helped Leon Hendrix make $120,000 in 4 days, saving him from going broke (thanks to everyone who invested)
  • I did an interview with my friend Ed talking about audience monetization, and blew up with 300,000 views. His most popular video. That built a waitlist of 1,000+ big creators who wanted my help
  • We started a free community exclusively for educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers, which now has 100+ members (DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS, YOU'LL JUST BE REJECTED)
  • Community members are all telling their friends about us
  • We truly found product-market-fit
We have all the ingredients to build a beautiful business. One that significantly impacts creators lives (Hamza retired his Dad after our help, Leon was able to not go bankrupt). All whilst spitting out huge cashflow. A true win/win. Simply beautiful
It feels like we're building one of the best opportunities in the creator economy at the moment.
And to build truly insane momentum, we're doing it all for free. Yup, I didn't take a penny from Hamza. And we'll continue to help creators monetize for free. You can think of it like the Hormozi approach
Because we're doing it all for free to build as much momentum as possible and to dominate the space, we're put in an interesting position.
We need help.
We need more hands on deck.
Specifically, talented, hard-working, obsessed hands.
Which leads me to another win/win opportunity.
PART 2: FREE 90-DAY "Specific Knowledge" BOOTCAMP
According to Naval Ravikant, to get rich you need specific knowledge.
But specific knowledge can’t be taught. If it could, other people would learn it and you’d be replaced.
So how do you get specific knowledge?
Author of Mastery and 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene, agrees:
“Apprenticeship is the first transformation on the way to mastery”
He elaborates…
“The principle is simple and must be engraved deeply in your mind: the goal of an apprenticeship is not money, a good position, a title, or a diploma, but rather the transformation of your mind and character.”
A great example of a modern successful apprenticeship is Cole Gordon.
He had started his digital marketing agency but was woefully struggling to get any clients.
Like a lot of people he was working hard but had no progress to show for it.
So he swallowed his ego, and got a sales job with Traffic and Funnels, the industry leaders at the time.
In the beginning, he was actually earning less than he was before.
But he knew he was in the stage of learning, not earning.
But what he was doing was observing and learning what the best of the best were doing. How they thought. How they worked. How the business model worked. He learned everything.
And eventually when he was ready…
He left.
And starting his own thing.
And guess what happened next?
His business SKYROCKETED.
In a few months he was earning $300,000/month.
A year later, he was up to $1,000,000/month.
And now, 3 years later, he’s up to $3,000,000/month.
And it’s this exact reason that I will be running a 90-day free “specific knowledge” bootcamp.
You’ll work as part of my team to help us scale this business, and as a byproduct, learn everything you need to set you up for massive success.
You’ll get:
  • The case-study of helping us grow from $0 revenue to massive heights, making it far easier to get high-paying clients/jobs in the future (worth $5,000)
  • Testimonial from me if you’re great (worth $3,000)
  • Access to knowledge - We want to train you to become the best in the world at what you do. Our strategy is to invest in the development of our team by working with the best agencies and consultants in the world. We already have spend more than $80,000 for best business knowledge on the internet that you will get access to (worth $10,000)
  • Feedback on all of your work from people who have been there done that (worth $1,000/month)
  • Improve your core skills (sales, writing, marketing) by being assigned tasks every week (worth $1,000/month)
Value = $20,000.
And you’ll work alongside our A-Player team:
Head of operations with years of experience working with the biggest online business in the world. Sold over 1M online.
My former content specialist who grew other YouTube channel to 0-1M subscribers in few years
Former head of copywriting and product for Ali Abdaal. He wrote the copy for Ali’s flagship product Part-Time Youtuber Academy and sold over $500,000 online.
In fact, this 90 Day Workshop is such an attractive offer that Tommy, reached out to US and asked to work for us for free. Watch this video before you continue reading.
Value of working alongside this team = $20,000
Plus you’ll be working with us to help some of the biggest creators in the game.
  • Hamza
  • Jenny Hoyos
  • Teaching Mens Fashion
  • Leon Hendrix
  • Mark Manson
  • Chris Williamson
  • Cole Hastings
  • PrinceEA
  • Brett Maverick
  • Cajun Koi Academy
  • Joshua Brett
  • Easlo
  • Alex Lieberman
  • What I’ve Learned
  • Magnates Media
  • Jack Denmo
  • Zach Pogrob
  • Improvement Pill
  • Film Booth
And literally 100+ other creators with 100,000+ subscribers
Value of working with this big creators = $15,000
More tangibly you’ll get:
  • A group chat with myself and the team
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Tasks assigned weekly
  • Feedback on your work
And you’ll be helping us get through this weird situation where we have so much demand for our services that we need to build a team, but because we’re choosing to do it for free for long-term reasons, we don’t have cash flow to hire.
Value of this = $5,000
Total value of 90-day bootcamp = $60,000
And you’ll be getting it for…
But don’t get confused. This won’t be easy work. This may not be ‘fun’. And much of the work may be ‘below your skill level’.
But I truly believe this is a life-changing free opportunity to learn everything you need to set you up for massive success.
If your application is GREAT, Wiktor will reach out to schedule a 15-min Intro call
If that goes well, you’ll be asked to complete a short sample work task to showcase your skills
Then if the task is good, we’ll invite you to a 30 min discovery call with myself
Then we’ll onboard you to the team, and help you feel welcome
Any questions, please let me know below.
Andrew Kirby
Free 90-Day "Specific Knowledge" Bootcamp (+ What I've Been Working On)
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