Beware of the INFORMATION trap
My dad (and society in general) believed traditional education was the only way to riches and freedom. He wished the best for me and held me accountable to do college degrees over degrees. Out of respect for my dad, I listened and complied. Then, I stumbled upon this gem - the Internet! I was instantly connected to a lot of brilliant brains. This phenomenon forever changed and accelerated how I thought, learned, worked and communicated -- I couldn't go back to "slow".
Education on the internet was ubiquitous, up-to-date and engaging. Then came my epiphany when I knew I was riding the information economy. Alex Hormozi says "give away the free stuff then sell the implementation." Truly elegant marketing. We as synthesizers have effectively decentralized university! This is no joke.
The funny part is... Traditional education "sells" the information and leaves you hanging for implementation (because it's outdated). A major content trap they are playing. So long as you're without implementation, you're stuck in consumption.
I'll end with this, IMPLEMENTING is what sets us apart. Synthesize!
Beeminet Lemma
Beware of the INFORMATION trap
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