Aug '22 (edited) in Other
ANNOUNCEMENT: Synthesizer University is coming…
I love masterminds.
The best phases of my life have all been after I joined a mastermind.
  • It was a mastermind that encouraged me to upload my first YouTube video (Only God knows where I’d be now if I hadn’t).
  • It was a mastermind that embedded in me the principles needed to grow my YouTube channel to 600,000+ subs.
  • And it was a mastermind that helped me how to grow from $2,000/month to $30,000/month in six months. And then later brought me all the way to financial freedom (peak $100,000/month).
(I talk about these masterminds in this, and this video.)
It seems that whenever I join a good mastermind, my life has a severe upgrade.
I’m not 100% sure why masterminds are so effective for me.
But whatever the answer, but one thing has always been clear to me:
When the time is right, I need to start a mastermind.
And now is that time.
Entry requirements:
  • You are a Consultant earning $10,000+/month
  • Or an Educational Content Creator with 10,000+ subscribers/followers
(If you don't meet these requirements, sorry. Please read message below.)
Synthesizer University is a mastermind to help you:
  • Magnify your impact
  • Grow a large loyal audience (loosely defined at 100,000+ Subscribers/followers)
  • Reach Financial Freedom quicker (loosely defined as $1m cash)
  • And to help you build something beautiful… The internet is the canvas. You are the artist. Let's paint something magical.
  • By mastering the new META for the Great Online Game (the game you’re playing)
THE NEW META - The Synthesizer Model:
Step 1: Build blockbuster content machine
Step 2: Grow a community you care about
  • I used to play Cities Skyline. Then I swapped it for Stardew Valley. Building an audience feels like building a city. Building a community feels like building a village. It turns out building a village is more fun than building a city. I love it.
  • The future of business is community
  • An audience is not an asset. It’s too unstable. Algorithms change. People get deplatformed. The community IS the asset. Nothing can destroy a community.
  • This is how you step off content treadmill. (Before, people came to the party because you were there. Which means you always had to turn up. Now, people come to the party for the other guests. So you can come and go as you please.)
  • Hire from the community (hiring becomes effortless with a community)
Step 3: Solve problems in community
  • Solve 99% of problems for free. Genuinely care about your community. And help where you can.
  • Monetise the top 1%. Charge highly. Use call funnel.
  • A community becomes a Dynamic Sales Letter
  • Improve clients results by creating protocol. Example.
  • Build authority by sharing insights learned from product delivery with community
Step 4: Follow your curiosity, and solve your own problems. Then share the golden nuggets. Switch off ads, step off content treadmill, scale until $1m cash.
Examples of successful Synthesizers:
(Isn't it weird how almost everyone seems to be converging to the same 'model' with content at the core?)
  • Helps you master the Synthesizer Model, and win the Great Online Game
  • Magnify your impact
  • Grow a large loyal audience (loosely defined at 100,000+ Subscribers/followers)
  • Reach Financial Freedom quicker (loosely defined as $1m cash)
  • And to help you build something beautiful… The internet is the canvas. You are the artist. Let's paint something magical.
  • In-person meetups
  • Weekly mastermind calls
  • Make life-long friends / business partners
  • 1 on 1s with Andrew
  • Andrew’s personal phone number (only in first cohort)
  • 3 month sprint
  • Cost is in the four figure $ range. Cost will increase $1k next cohort.
  • Only 15 spaces available (best applicants will be approved)
.How to apply:
  1. Check to see if meet requirements
  2. Message me on Skool saying "University application"
(If you have any other questions, feel free to message me on Skool too)
A message to people who do not meet requirements:
Even though you do not qualify for Synthesizer University, me launching Synthesizer University will benefit you and Synthesizer Skool.
I have some cool ideas for the Synthesizer brand. But they require money.
Synthesizer University students will fund those ideas (thank you).
100% of profit from this launch will be reinvested back into the Synthesizer brand. I will personally take $0 from this launch.
Synthesizer Skool will continue to be free, and will continue to help you reach Step 5 on the Synthesizer Roadmap.
I love the Synthesizer community. And will continue to work on improving it.
Andrew Kirby
ANNOUNCEMENT: Synthesizer University is coming…
High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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