Past AmA's
If you haven't been on a few Ama's. One thing you'll miss. Seeing the smile on Earl's face as we talk among our self's. And him looking like a Dad siting back watching his kids interacting with each other. The more experience ones helping the younger ones. Or you don't see Earl thinking and working out something new to try. I should have labeled this one past and future AmA's. They don't just give out information, you get ideas, as well as friendship. And you might find your self moving faster in your journey. So Pop in one Saturday say hi and if that's all you want to do, sit back and sock it all in. Some are so hooked the log with their phones in while they are on the road. Just to hear what's going on.
Bill Freeman Jr.
Past AmA's
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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