Looking for work
I think of looking for voice over as like hunting. I've always thought that all hunters spent time in the woods looking for sings of their pray. Then one day I learned that some hunt siting in a blind and waiting for the target to wander by and spring on them. Then there are the ones who put out bate. Or making mating calls attract the target to come to them. Any of the tactics used will be usefulness if a applied constantly. But one thing is contestant to all three, you need to know what you are hunting. Lets face it if you go looking for deer with out know what they need then you'll more then likely come up empty handed. So you want to narrate books or E-learning. In my case I Want to do book trailers. I've started asking people that I know have published books if they would help me by letting them do one for them. A strategy I came up to answer a question of you don't have the experience, work history or testimonials for your profile for the ptp sites. And now comes one more think. Talk with them about the people who published their books. Are they a big publishing house or an small boutique type. God to them and talk with them about do they have voice artist they use or do they leave that up to the writer to handle. Will you end up coming home after a days hunt... Maybe. But maybe you'll bag a hog, and five rabbits while deer hunting. That more then enough to keep you hunting.
Bill Freeman Jr.
Looking for work
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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