Have you noticed that you see the same people on the Sat. AmA's and even of the Friday night pod cast? Because they know Earl will say something we needed to hear again or that one nugget that we didn't understand or just didn't hear before. Not because Earl didn't say it before (we can all agree his been very consistent in what he says.) We weren't really to hear it at that time. It's like they say When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Trust me I've been on the other side where I knew that the person was hold back information. And then I found Earl, and it's scary the amount of information he gives away. All... The... Time. And at some point you think he's got to run out. But without being in his class I know there's a whole new level he can teach. So there's knowledge From day one and it never stops, We do.
Bill Freeman Jr.
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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