Growth Mindset
I was excited after hearing Earl's suggestion today in regards to growing our businesses. Michael also shared his conviction about conducting his "reconnoissance". These were both great examples of a Growth Mindset. Doing what it takes to become successful even when one doesn't want to. These are the things that I cling to and use to propel me. I was BORN and BRED for the "9 to 5" mentality. I didn't mind so much people telling me what to do and when to do it (UPS, United Airlines, Walmart and so on). And yet deep within, phrases like, "be your own boss, why not you, and building someone else's dream", kept buzzing in my mind over and over like a nagging never ending mosquito attack. You guys
are greatly appreciated. This is the stuff some people pay thousands of dollars to hear. What a deal! I got it here in this forum. GADQ!
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Ralph Toles
Growth Mindset
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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