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Elevate The Onboarding Process is happening in 5 days
Something BIG is happening in our industry!
If you feel overwhelmed…if you feel like your business is reactive…if you feel like you’re barely keeping your head above the waves…keep reading! My friend and industry peer, Libby Greiwe, is up to something really cool. Every August she hosts a group coaching and mastermind program that is amazing at getting advisors organized. Week by week, she breaks down some of the major processes in your business into bite-size pieces so you can actually get them built out and implemented. So, if this is your time to totally transform your business into a well-oiled machine, check out The Efficient Advisor’s Systems to Scale Group Coaching Program and finally get the back end of your business organized and buttoned up. Registration closes August 9th!
New comment 18d ago
Something BIG is happening in our industry!
July Events/Webinars
📣 There’s a lot going on in July! Whether you're looking to enhance your workflows, get expert insights, or learn from industry leaders, there’s something for everyone. 📆 Click the links below to register and mark your calendars! July 16th - Redtail Power User Panel: Get expert guidance from Redtail specialists and fellow power users (including our very own, @Katherine Beltran ) on advanced features, workflow optimization, and best practices. July 17th - Wealthbox Workflow Week: In this webinar, we’re diving deep into the world of workflow simplicity with Smart KX. Join us as we explore how these workflows transform how advisors streamline essential administrative processes and engage more intentionally with their clients. July 17th - 7 Steps You Overlooked During Your Last Website Redesign: Ready to build a website that truly wows? Join our friends at Out and About Communicatons as they look at the critical steps often overlooked during the website redesign process. July 18th - How to Build a Workflow from Scratch: Back by popular demand! Kate Guillen and Redtail Trainer, Curtis Ware up once again to teach you the ins and outs of building workflows in Redtail. July 19th - RIA Operators Monthly Value Call: This will be a great opportunity to learn, ask questions, network and find common ground with others in the industry. July 31st - Simplicity Spotlight: Libby Greiwe - Elevate your onboarding process! In this talk Libby will walk you through the 7 key systems every business needs and breaks down the 3 layers that make each process truly a client experience.
July Events/Webinars
Start Here
*It has been a while since we started this community, so we thought it is a great opportunity for everyone to reintroduce themselves! For those of you who are new WELCOME to the RIA Operators community. The goal of this community is to connect with other RIA Operators, Owners, Founders and CSA’s to learn and grow from one another. Start by checking out these links: - Classroom - Calendar - Monthly Value Calls - Work with Simplicity Ops We want this space to be a network of resources for you. So, please comment below and introduce (or re-introduce) yourself. Let us know: 1. Where are you from? 2. What type of Advisory firm do you work at? 3. What’s your biggest pain point right now in your firm? See you in the comments!
New comment 2d ago
Advyzon v. Black Diamond v. Tamarac
Greetings all! Our firm ($317M / 386 HHs) is considering a move away from Orion for a couple reasons: 1. This 8.9% upcharge for "out of pocket third-party expenses"; and 2. The platform is overkill for us - we use their Billing, Reports, Client Portal, Compliance, and Queries; and not much else. We use iRebal and Schwab Advisor Center for Rebalancing and Trading. In our due diligence, all three of Advyzon, BD, and Tamarac have seemingly better versions of all of those services. The big differences left are pricing and ease-of-use. Advyzon can replace both Orion and Redtail with their all-in-one platform - but will it be robust enough for us as we grow? (10%-15% per year) Black Diamond Reporting is very comprehensive and sleek, but we don't want to go back to Salesforce CRM. Tamarac has it all, but feels very similar to Orion and their CRM is more costly than Redtail. Will they be overkill for us as well? Is there anyone who has done this research already and made the move from Orion to any three of these other options? I'd like to know if you're satisfied with the move and if the transition was smooth. TIA!
New comment 3d ago
Templates! What templates make your life easier?
Bonus points for sharing your template!
New comment 7d ago
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