Group Coaching Call on Wednesday (01/22 @4pm Pacific)
Dating in 2025 is a BLOODBATH.
Most guys are getting slaughtered on dating apps and brutally rejected with cold approach.
They're clueless about the new dating rules...
The changing hidden signals...
And the subtle SHIFTS that separate the men who "get it" from the losers.
The hot women you ACTUALLY want in 2025 are more selective than ever...
And they can smell a desperate, outdated gimmick a mile away.
This Wednesday, I'm exposing the raw truth about dating in 2025...
(In a very non-woke, non-pc fashion).
If you want to DEEPLY understand the uncensored secrets to attracting the women you truly desire... then you need to be on this call.
On Wednesday, I'll reveal:
- The "Shadow Approach" secret that makes gorgeous women approach YOU first (even if you've been rejected 100 times before)
- Why the "friendzone" is actually a GOOD thing (and how Harvard's shocking study reveals it's the fastest path to dating multiple 9's and 10's)
- A bizarre "Introverted Status" method that turns your biggest dating weakness into an instant attraction trigger (works especially well if you're "average looking")
But like I said this is not for everyone.
This is for the men willing to face the harsh realities of modern dating and do whatever it takes to succeed.
But I'm only going to let 60 people join the call, so I can make sure each person's questions are answered...
And it's first come first serve.
Or click the "Calendar" tab here in Skool at the time of the call.
You don't want to miss these valuable insights.
See you on Wednesday (4 pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern).
Link to join:
Michael Sartain
Group Coaching Call on Wednesday (01/22 @4pm Pacific)
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