5. Friends
I’ve heard others talk about taking pictures by yourself with a tripod. I’ve never done that but I can tell you about the people that took my pictures. In 3 out of the 4 photoshoots they were taken by friends or family who were not particularly experienced in photography.
On one of the 1 photoshoots I was able to meetup with a member of MOA to do the shoot. The experience was completely different. We had a plan. We had a route. We had a professional camera and we had set aside time just to take pictures. We were there to get shit done. With him we got 18 amazing pictures (per person) in 2 days. For context, the best I did with my other friends was 2 pictures per day.
If you can’t get another MOA member to meet you and shoot together, try to get a friend of yours who knows a bit about photography to come out with you. In exchange you can pay their lunch. Just make sure to give them examples of the style of pictures you are going for.
If that doesn’t work, normal friends will do the job as well although it will take more time and effort to get results.
Tip: If you are shooting with a friend of yours who is not into social media, photography or content creation, explain your exact expectations about what you expect from them BEFORE you go shoot. Tell them that it might take tens or hundreds of pictures (depending on how experienced you and he/she are) to get one good one at a given spot. That’s part of the process. You really don’t want to get there and for your friend to think that you’re there to just chill and take 2-3 pictures meanwhile you have basically prepared for a semi-professional photoshoot. If that happens, your friend will be disappointed and so will you.
Radoslav Kalinov
5. Friends
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