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LinkedIn Lead Challenge is happening in 21 hours
Join our first 4 Day Challenge + Win a Leadeth Growth Plan!
Next week we kick off our very first 4-Day Challenge: Discover how to leverage the power of LinkedIn to generate a consistent stream of high-quality leads for your business through a comprehensive 4-day challenge that covers everything from defining your ideal client to nurturing and converting prospects into paying customers. Throughout the challenge, you will have the opportunity to engage in live daily Q&A sessions, receive critiques on their work, and network with other participants. Day 1 (9 am Mon 20th May) - Introduction to LinkedIn and Identifying Buyer Persona - Focus: Importance of LinkedIn as a lead generation tool we'll guide you through the process of defining your ideal buyer persona. - Challenge: Complete your own Story-Brand framework and optimize your personal LinkedIn profile. Day 2 (9am Tue 21st May) - Connecting and Engaging with Prospects - Focus: Learn how to find and connect with the right prospects using LinkedIn. - Challenge: Script your connection messages. Find 20 contacts from your existing network, find 100 new 2nd degree prospects to connect with. Day 3 (9am Wed 22nd May) - Content Creation and Lead Nurturing - Focus: Learn effective content creation that appeals to the defined buyer persona. - Challenge: Create a content plan, including posts, newsletters, or your first LinkedIn Live. Day 4 (9am Thursday 23rd May) - Conversion Strategies and Scaling Up: - Focus: Convert connections into conversations and then to clients. We'll show tools and techniques to scale the lead generation efforts. - Challenge: Role-playing sessions on handling common objections, closing techniques, and tools to automate and scale the LinkedIn lead generation process. Participants that manage to attend all 4 days will be entered into a prize draw winning a Leadeth Growth subscription for 3 months (worth £630). 🤩 Register Here 👉🏻
New comment 17h ago
Maximising LinkedIn for Lead Generation: Share Your Insights!
Hello, wonderful community members! At Leadeth, we’re always looking for ways to enhance our services and provide you with the insights and strategies you need to succeed. We’re curious about how you’re leveraging LinkedIn in your lead generation efforts. Please take a moment to share your thoughts through this quick poll. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to develop solutions that meet your needs and challenges. Poll Question: How are you currently leveraging LinkedIn for your lead generation efforts?
15 members have voted
New comment 20d ago
👋🏻 Welcome to the Leadeth
A warm welcome to the Leadeth community on Skool! We're genuinely delighted to have you join us. This space fosters growth, collaboration, and mutual support among like-minded individuals. As we embark on this journey together, your unique insights and experiences are invaluable to us. 🙋🏻‍♂️ Introductions To get started, please share a bit about yourself in the "General Discussion" category. We're keen to learn about you, your business, and what you aspire to achieve here. It's a fantastic way to break the ice and start forming connections. ❤️ Community Guidelines To ensure a harmonious and productive environment, we've established a few guidelines: - Respect and kindness: Treat others as you would like to be treated. - Collaborative spirit: Share your knowledge freely and support your fellow members. - Open discussions: Feel encouraged to start and engage in discussions. However, if you have specific, sensitive, or private queries, we suggest a Discovery Consultation or using the chat 💬 for direct messaging (DM). 🔔 Notification Settings We understand the importance of balancing communication without overwhelming you. Please customize your notification preferences here: Notification Settings. Choose what works best for you, ensuring you stay informed without the clutter. 🧭 Navigating Our Community Take your time to explore the various categories and threads. Your active participation is what will make this community thrive. Whether it's asking questions, sharing experiences, or offering advice, every interaction enriches our collective learning. 📢 Your Feedback Matters Your suggestions and feedback are crucial to us. They help us tailor the community to better serve your needs and enhance our collective experience. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us. We're excited to have you with us and look forward to seeing the contributions you'll make to the Leadeth community. Here's to a fruitful and inspiring journey ahead!
New comment 20d ago
Campaigns Seem to Have Stopped? Please Check
The campaigns I have running seem to have slowed right down and have hardly been sending over the last few days eg Construction Companies; CEOs at tech companies. Have just started another campaign we discussed this morning. Any help is much appreciated. Christopher
New comment 2d ago
Sales Navigator Search URL
I am trying to use a SN URL for a search but the first line (see attached) cannot be deleted and does not contain the addresses I am looking to send connection requests to. Can you advise how to delete the first search (with the 2500 limit). Many thanks
New comment 3d ago
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Elevate LinkedIn sales and lead generation with AI tools in our faith-driven community. Learn, network, and grow in digital marketing.
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