Roy Kamanga
Seeking Endless Knowledge and Constantly Learning
Seeking Endless Knowledge and Constantly Learning
Hello everyone, Thank you for having me onboard, I'm Roy 19 years old born and raised in Kenya.
I began my journey of self-improvement and seeking knowledge to make money online 7 months ago. I was able to start an Etsy store but saw little success with it.
It came to my realization why I haven't been able to make any money because of shiny object syndrome and not having a skill set under my bag that I could monetize. I decided to learn sales and thus I’ve pushed myself to join such communities to learn and also take and receive advice from experienced individuals.
Since I'm in University and I have a tight schedule, I work on business at night and whenever I have breaks. I am currently seeking job opportunities in High Ticket sales so as to re-invest into seminars, online courses, coaches and more. If any of you might have an opportunity, reach out to me in my Dm's and Let's make it happen.
I’m looking forward to learning and also working with you or for you to make sales.
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