Prompt Fuzzer: OSS vulnerability assessment to secure your GenAI Apps
This interactive tool assesses the security of your GenAI application's system prompt against dynamic LLM-based attacks and provides a security evaluation based on the outcome of the attack simulations, enabling you to strengthen your system prompt.
The first interactive open-source GenAI vulnerability assessment, the Prompt Fuzzer! Brought to you by Prompt Security, this tool empowers GenAI app builders to enhance the resilience and safety of system prompts in GenAI apps. It allows users to test system prompts against a variety of simulated attacks, offering insights to strengthen their systems. So how does it work?
⚡Get the Prompt Fuzzer from GitHub: Simply go to the repository and start running the Prompt Fuzzer. Want to add more content to the Fuzzer? All contributions are welcome! ⚡Start testing your system prompt: The tool will run various dynamic llm-based attacks and return a security score and evaluation based on the outcomes of the tests
⚡Test yourself with the Playground! Iterate the settings on a chat format and harden your system prompt as many times as you like until it's safe and secure
Stephen Pullum
Prompt Fuzzer: OSS vulnerability assessment to secure your GenAI Apps
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