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Coaching & Accountability Call is happening in 4 days
Finding your niche: self-discovery process
I've completed module one of the Business Belief BootCamp. It offered great insights and involved a lot of digging and questioning about my clients, their needs, and desires. It's akin to a self-discovery process for my business, something I truly find essential. I'm still in the process of figuring out my niche, but I'm making progress. Hopefully, I'll be able to do so by this weekend 💪
New comment Nov '23
Looking for a better future ☺️
Hey 😀 I'm Marie from the UK, living in la belle France! I've joined this community because it's a wee bit lonely out here in the abyss of my computer screen. I'm looking to simply improve myself and my future in this industry. As I learn, it would be nice to give back by helping others too. I currently teach 1-to-1 classes on one of these horrible platforms. I feel sucked dry of any motivation and I'm heading for yet another burnout. I'm looking to go independent and offer asynchronous programmes. Over the next 30 days, I'm looking to run as far away as possible from my current situation! I just want to learn and take action. I'll enjoy reading other people's experiences, dreams and advice. Thanks for reading 🤗
New comment Jan 30
START HERE! Make Your First Post & Watch the Video
Hey there! Welcome to the Teacherpreneur Support Network! @Michael Landry , @Leonardo Gomes and I are excited to have you here. Our mission here is to help teachers escape precarity by earning their own income and building a teaching career on their own terms. Watch the video below for important info on how to make the best of this community. 👇 Then, do the following 2 things: 1. Make your first post HERE by letting everyone know: A. Your name & why you joined this community B. Your business goal for the next 30 days C. What you're looking to get out of this community. 2. Start with the free trainings we have: - Looking to build your entrepreneurial mindset? Start HERE. - Want to establish your niche in the next few days? Start HERE. - Want to expedite your business goals? Book a free 1:1 with us HERE and we'll strategize together. See you in the comments! Welcome again! 🎉
90 members have voted
New comment 13h ago
START HERE! Make Your First Post & Watch the Video
What's your win for this week?
What have you achieved this week? Both big and small wins count 🤓 Comment below and share your win 👇 Let's motivate each other 🤝
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Hi from Poland!
Hi everyone! My name is Kasia, and I’m based in Warsaw, Poland. I’ve been working as a freelance English teacher and intercultural trainer for 15 years, and I have experience as a teacher trainer in educational projects across Africa and Asia. Over the years, I have worked with kids, teenagers and adults from different cultural backgrounds. I joined the TSN after spending many hours listening to the Teacher Talking Time podcast while researching Dogme and TBLT for my DELTA exam (Module 1 🙂). I felt a strong resonance with the topics discussed in the podcast and within this community. I am now in the process of redefining myself as a teacher and trainer. I feel drawn to process-based teaching and want to explore different ways of doing it. I would like to design courses using the TBLT and Dogme. I also want to develop further as a teacher trainer, which is my long-term goal. So I hope to get some inspiration, exchange experiences and find practical tools to help me move on. My specific goal for the next 30 days is to identify what course I could design and offer online. In other words, I'd like to find that 'course in me'. Maybe it's still not specific enough ... 🙂 Looking forward to connecting with you all!
New comment 13h ago
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Teacher Support Network (Free)
Helping teachers escape precarity by earning their own money. Craft and sell your expertise.
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