Looking for a better future ☺️
Hey 😀
I'm Marie from the UK, living in la belle France!
I've joined this community because it's a wee bit lonely out here in the abyss of my computer screen.
I'm looking to simply improve myself and my future in this industry. As I learn, it would be nice to give back by helping others too.
I currently teach 1-to-1 classes on one of these horrible platforms. I feel sucked dry of any motivation and I'm heading for yet another burnout. I'm looking to go independent and offer asynchronous programmes.
Over the next 30 days, I'm looking to run as far away as possible from my current situation! I just want to learn and take action.
I'll enjoy reading other people's experiences, dreams and advice.
Thanks for reading 🤗
Marie Smith
Looking for a better future ☺️
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