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Teacherpreneur Support Network

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3 contributions to Teacherpreneur Support Network
Webinar: Establishing Atomic Classroom Habits with Tim Warre
Can you join us on May 8 for our webinar with Tim Warre? He'll be talking about establishing Atomic Classroom Habits. When: Wednesday May 8 Time: 12PM Toronot/6PM Spain Where: Zoom - register here: Do you have questions for Tim ahead of the session? Or on atomic classroom habits? Add them below and we can start the conversation. Hope to see you there! Here's a quick session description: There’s usually at least one or two in every class. Those students whose writing assignments you look forward to correcting, the ones who revise their notes, make use of every extra tool or link you share with them and obviously consume English content for pleasure in their free time. How can we help the rest of the class take a leaf out of these students’ books? In James Clear’s 2018 book “Atomic Habits” the writer discusses the power of making small 1% improvements to our daily habits and how these incremental changes can have long-lasting compounding effects. This talk will look at ways we can apply this principle and theories of habit formation in general to a classroom setting. Attendees will leave this talk with practical ideas and tweaks they can make in their own classes, as well as a longer-term framework for putting their students on a path to more effective and rewarding language acquisition.
New comment 18d ago
2 likes • 18d
I can highly recommend this talk, having seen what was probably an earlier version at InnovateELT in Barcelona last year
Teaching Listening Made Easy - anniversary giveaway
*Comment "listening" below if you're interested. Three years ago we launched our flagship course: Teaching Listening Made Easy. It was the height of the pandemic and we like many had just moved our business from a face-to-face model to an online model. We had no idea if it would work. As soon as things shut down, we ran a series of webinars called "Pedagogy before Technology." The aim of the series was to help teachers make the transition from their physical classroom to their digital one. You can see a recording of one of those sessions here - we all look a bit younger 🤣 What came of that session was a niche we didn't know existed up until that point: how to teach listening skills. We got message after message about listening and how teachers struggled to improve the SKILL of listening and not just TEST comprehension. From that, Teaching Listening Made Easy was born. It's a course that walks you through the steps of: - teaching the skill of listening - creating autonomous learners in their listening - using any authentic text with any student - never having to plan again - a transferable process you can use in any course you design We tackle three essential stages of a listening lesson: 1. Pre-listening 2. While listening 3. Post listening And how - with this process - you won't need to plan again and your student will be able to see remarkable progress in processing and overall listening skills. It's also by far our most successful standalone course we've produced. To honour the 3-year anniversary, we're offering anyone the chance to jump in and take the course at a 30% discount. At our roots, CPD and how languages are learned is why we started LYE in the first place. This course really does embody that, at least to us. If you want to take how you approach listening to the next level, comment "listening" below or send us a message and we'll get you access to the course for the discount.
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New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
Hello, how many hours does the course last? 2 hours as mentioned here: ?
2023 Goal: Consistency
Happy New Year, everyone! Do you make goals every January 1? My goal for 2023: Consistency. Many people make resolutions this time of year. And that’s wonderful, but new goals and aspirations require new systems. A goal without a plan is merely a dream, after all. For me, starting and implementing new habits is cumbersome and also distracts from the good ones I spent the last 12 months cultivating. So, for the first part of this year, I’m not striving for new things. Rather, I’m striving to maintain the good habits I’ve already developed. This also revolves around the person I want to be, not the things I want to do. In 2023, there are three people I want to be: 1. I want to continue being a person who reads. 2. I want to continue being a person who exercises. 3. I want to continue being a person who learns. If I self-assess, I’d say I did very well last year being a person who shows up. And that’s what I want to continue doing. For now, in the same areas. Those are three people that - when they show up - I find myself happiest with my life. What person do you want to be in the first quarter of 2023? Here’s a sentence frame I like using: I want to continue being a person who ____________. Try it for yourself and see what you come up with. Share your version below if you're comfortable. And happy new year!
New comment Jan '23
5 likes • Jan '23
at a professional level: I want to continue being a creative person who trusts his own experience and explores ideas on how to improve the way teachers help learners, and explores them openly with like-minded colleagues I want to continue being a person who encourages team members and helps to create connections between people inside and outside his organisation I want to continue being a person who finds inspiration from others' ideas, especially including learning from learners
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Anthony Green
12points to level up
Founder of the platform which allows learners to decipher English speech, rather than be tested, as recommended by John Field

Active 18d ago
Joined Dec 23, 2022
Bari, Italy
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