David Newman
Is there an engagement problem on Facilitator Club?
Is there an engagement problem on Facilitator Club?
I've noticed over the last few months the level of engagement on here has dropped off, and some of the earlier leaders on the Leaderboard now rarely participate. It doesn't take much to appear on the Leaderboard. An average of 1 post per day over a month will have you on the 30-day Leaderboard... in the top 20 of over 3,500 members. Though, appearance on the Leaderboard is just one criterium to measure engagement.
I took screenshots of the Leaderboard 7 days apart to see what the differences actually are.
Take a look at the changes. Quite a lot on the 7-day, some shifts on the 30-day, and very little movement on the All-time board.
So, what do you think could be added to the site to increase the level of ongoing engagement? The point system is meaningless by the time you get to my level and no incentive (I have about a year to go at my current rate of contribution to move up a level). What else do you think needs to be added here to maintain a higher level of engagement, particularly for those who have been on here more than a few months?
I'm tagging those on the All-time Leaderboard to get their thoughts on this.
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