Giving to get...
Last week a local design agency did something really smart.
They've created and hosted our first (local) Service Designers Connect meet-up, in which they initially demonstrated workshopping by running a warm-up exercise of - you have 10 minutes to design instructions for "How to make a paper airplane". We were then treated to free pizza, always a winner.
In the second session, they stuck with the theme and had us create a pizza box and pizza to represent Service Designers Connect itself - with the box being the packaging/marketing and the pizza being the content of the meet-ups.
It was a good way for them to generate ideas and understand expectations.
The whole process has also helped establish them as a local authority on the subject, which will lead to some business coming their way.
Sponsoring these kinds of sessions can propel a business forward, but the real benefit is how it helps connect the local design community as a whole. If there isn't anything running in your area, organising a regular meet-up is a great way to find your tribe and get yourself some recognition as well.
What's going on near you that you'd like to share?
D Scott Angle
Giving to get...
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