Before you break the ice...
How are you dealing with the time before everyone has entered the room (virtually or in person)?
At the moment, all my sessions are virtual, and sometimes it takes a good 5-10 minutes before everyone has arrived and we can actually start with an icebreaker.
This means that by that time, the majority of the participants have already decided if this is going to be worth their time or not.
I personally tried a variety of things but am interested in hearing how you handle this.
  • Have smalltalk with the organizer or with people who entered the room
  • Play music and not say much until the start
  • Share a countdown clock
  • Do a "drop-in icebreaker" (f.ex, which type of dog/sheep/lego construction/... are you today?)
What's your take?
Renko P.
Before you break the ice...
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