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DCB CLIENTS Business Coaching is happening in 37 hours
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - The New You!
Hey there Summer Schoolers! Module five is now available for you. But before you start bringing everything you've learned to date together with a fresh vision, purpose and principles, I'd love to know how last week went for you. What do you now understand about your fears and doubts? What are you going to do next with your skills and capabilities set in a more realistic context?
New comment Aug '24
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - The New You!
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Boundaries
Hey there Summer Schoolers! Module four is now available for you. But before you start exploring the truth behind your fears and overturning your doubts, I'd love to know how last week went for you. Do you now have a clearer picture about your boundaries - what's important and OK for you, and what isn't?
New comment Jul '24
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Boundaries
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Motivating Goals
Hey there Summer Schoolers! Module two is now available for you - but before you dive into your Success Strategies, I'd love to know how last week went for you. How do you feel now about your goals for the next 3 months and your ability to achieve them?
New comment Jul '24
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Motivating Goals
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Success Strategies
Hey there Summer Schoolers! Module three is now available for you - but before you start creating the boundaries that will support your wellbeing and success, I'd love to know how last week went for you. How do you feel now about your success strategies? What adjustments will you be making, if any?
New comment Jul '24
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Your Success Strategies
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Take the Mindset self-assessment
This year's Summer Business School is focused on helping you get your mindset, habits, behaviours and beliefs aligned with your goals and ambitions. Over 6 modules and a series of summer-friendly bite-sized lessons, you'll build your confidence, self-belief and get ready to take your business and personal growth to the next level. You can learn more about the programme here - there is still time to join! πŸ€” Not sure if your mindset needs some focus? Take the self-assessment here and quickly determine your key areas for improvement. If you have any questions about the Summer Business School programme, drop me a note. I'd be happy to answer any questions.
New comment Jul '24
β˜€οΈ Summer Business School - Take the Mindset self-assessment
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