What Marketing is ... and how to test yours...
Over the years, I've seen so many definitions of marketing.
Worryingly, recently most of these definitions are all about promotion and getting your business or offer in front of the right people.
While this isn't 100% wrong - it misses the most important part of marketing.
Marketing as I understand it is: Putting your client at the heart of every decision you make.
Therefore, a simple test to see if your marketing is going to work is simply to ask yourself this of everything you create: How will my dream client find this valuable?
Your marketing is nothing to do with you, and everything to do with your client.
Keep that in mind, and you'll soon be welcoming more of your dream clients into your business.
And if you are looking for more guidance to help you attract more of your dream clients with ease and confidence, drop me a DM. I'm here to help!
Melitta Campbell
What Marketing is ... and how to test yours...
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