Do you find sales joyful?
🛑 I know that's a hard 'No' from many of the coaches, business owners and entrepreneurs I speak with.
Many tell me how stressful it feels or how how much they dislike having to put people under pressure to make a sale 😭.
If that's you, don't miss this week's podcast!
I spoke with Michelle Rockwood, author of 'Joyful Selling' on the podcast this week about:
⭐ What a feminine approach to sales looks like (and how this applies to men and women equally).
⭐ The best way to approach a sales conversation.
⭐ And how the primary purpose of any sales conversation must be to guide the prospect to uncover their own truth, seeing this as the first step in helping them identify their best solution.
✨ If you think you hate sales, Michelle will help you challenge this thinking and move into a more helpful and productive space.
🎧 To listen to this insightful episode, search 'Driven Female Entrepreneur' wherever you usually consume your podcasts, or click this link:
Happy listening!
Melitta Campbell
Do you find sales joyful?
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