Ted Carr
In Person Mastermind. You coming?
In Person Mastermind. You coming?
In person events changed my life.
The phrase: "You become who you hang around." is not only true, it's actually the fastest hack for success.
I used to merely watch people talk about making money online via YouTube, but it wasn't until I actually met them in real life that things started to change quickly for me.
There is a real energetic transference of POWER that occurs in real life that does NOT occur via the interwebs.
Think: Front row music concert VS listening to a song on Spotify.
Which has more POWER?
And this is why I'm going to host an in person mastermind for you.
At the end of May, we're going to spend all day (9am-5pm) hanging out and masterminding in LA near the Skool HQ.
Bring your notebook and pencil because you'll be taking a lot of notes.
And bring your A-Game because you might get interviewed...
Cost is $997 per person or it's free if you're part of Contentpreneurs or The Mastermind.
Exact dates are TBA but probably somewhere between May 20-31st.
Exact location is TBA but probably at a nice & big Airbnb.
Wanna come?
Comment a funny GIF below + @ tag someone you want to meet IRL and I'll add you to the waitlist.
Get off your laptop and phone and come hang out IRL!
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