John Carter
Need to create good bullets for your website?
Need to create good bullets for your website?
I love chatGPT and have found many ways for it to help me.
One of the big challenges I was having was creating good bullet points.
For a bullet point to be good, in my opinion, is it must create a sense of curiosity.
One of the best copywriters I know of was Gary Halbert, and I wanted my bullet points to have the same curiosity factor that he used to create.
I had an idea and put the following prompt inn ChatGPT 4:
“please list 20 bullet points written by Gary Halbert” and I got the following list:
Gary Halbert was renowned for his direct and engaging style of copywriting. Here are 20 bullet points that reflect the style and insights he often shared in his writing:
1. Write like you talk. Your copy should sound conversational and natural, not like a formal business presentation.
2. Focus on the reader. Always consider what's in it for them; your copy should address the reader’s needs, desires, and problems.
3. Use short sentences and paragraphs. This makes your writing easier to read and more engaging.
4. Start with a strong headline. Your headline should grab attention and promise a benefit that makes the reader want to continue.
5. Tell stories. People are naturally drawn to stories; they are engaging and make your message more memorable.
6. Include a clear call to action. Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do next.
7. Use bullet points to break up text and highlight key benefits. This makes information more digestible and scannable.
8. Keep it simple. Don’t use complex language or jargon that might confuse the reader.
9. Use testimonials and social proof. People are influenced by the actions and approvals of others.
10. Create a sense of urgency. Limited-time offers and limited quantities prompt quicker decisions.
11. Test everything. From headlines to offers, you should always be testing to see what works best. 12. Use the power of "because." People are more likely to comply with a request if they are given a reason.
13. Address objections. Overcome potential objections within your copy before they arise in the reader’s mind.
14. Make your offer irresistible. The value of what you're offering should far exceed the price you're asking.
15. Use risk-reversal strategies. Offering guarantees can reduce the perceived risk for the buyer.
16. Make it visual. Use images and formatting to support your message and make the text more appealing.
17. Keep your integrity. Never promise something you can’t deliver.
18. Be specific. Vague statements are less compelling than specific, verifiable facts.
19. Inject personality. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through; it can set you apart from the competition.
20. Understand your medium. Different writing styles work better in different contexts (email, direct mail, online ads, etc.).
I then entered the following prompt:
“Using these prompts, please use the ideas one at a time to sell a weight loss program to women over 50” and got the following results.
  1. Write like you talk: "Imagine sitting down over coffee and chatting about a simple way to start shedding those stubborn pounds, just like we're doing right now. It’s all about understanding your needs and finding a friendly, effective solution."
  2. Focus on the reader: "This program is designed for women just like you. It understands the unique challenges you face after 50 and is tailored to work with your lifestyle."
  3. Use short sentences and paragraphs: "Lose weight. Feel great. It's simple. Our plan fits your life."
  4. Start with a strong headline: "Reclaim Your Energy! Discover the Weight Loss Program Designed Just for Women Over 50."
  5. Tell stories: "Meet Jane, who at 55 thought she'd never fit into her favorite dress again. With our program, she not only fit into the dress but also ran her first 5K last month."
  6. Include a clear call to action: "Click here to join our community of thriving women and start your journey to a healthier you today!"
  7. Use bullet points to break up text:
  • Specifically designed for women over 50.
  • Easy exercises that are gentle on your joints.
  • Recipes that boost metabolism and taste great.
  1. Keep it simple: "Our plan is easy to follow. We focus on three key things: nutritious eating, enjoyable activities, and real results."
  2. Use testimonials and social proof: "Hundreds of women over 50 have found success with our program. Here’s what they're saying!"
  3. Create a sense of urgency: "Join by this Sunday and get your first month at half price. Don’t miss out—spaces are filling up!"
  4. Test everything: "We've tried and tested every aspect of our program to ensure it works best for women like you."
  5. Use the power of "because": "You should join our program because it's designed to fit into your busy lifestyle, helping you lose weight without feeling overwhelmed."
  6. Address objections: "Worried about being too busy? Our program takes just minutes a day and can be done from the comfort of your home."
  7. Make your offer irresistible: "Get started today and receive a free personalized consultation to tailor the program to your needs."
  8. Use risk-reversal strategies: "Not sure if it's right for you? Try our program for 30 days with a money-back guarantee."
  9. Make it visual: (Use images of women over 50 enjoying activities and feeling great.)
  10. Keep your integrity: "We promise results based on scientific research and real testimonials from women like you."
  11. Be specific: "Join other women who have lost an average of 15 pounds in the first two months."
  12. Inject personality: "Our team is passionate about helping you succeed. We’re here every step of the way, with a smile!"
  13. Understand your medium: "Whether you're seeing this on social media, our website, or in an email, we know you value your time. That’s why our program is flexible and straightforward."
These bullet points are much better than just asking ChatGPT for bullet points. I’m certain those of you who are good at writing prompts can improve this greatly. If you can, please share. Thanks.
You can then find one that interests you and ask ChatGPT to create 5 more bullet points based on #5 for example.
Would appreciate any ideas people have to improve this.
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